Sorien / silex-idea-plugin

Idea plugin for Silex Framework - plugin is not compatible with PHPStorm 2016.2
MIT License
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Disable Standard CompletionContributor for ArrayAccess autocomplete list #14

Closed Sorien closed 9 years ago

Sorien commented 9 years ago

there are multiple results inside autocomplete list from Silex plugin and from Php plugin ("request" in picture) image

i çan't remove duplicates but i can run before Php plugin and stop other completion contributors.

so question is: do we want to see items from standard Php autocomplete or not?

as a side effect it will disable new PhpStorm9 ArrayAccess style factory contributor too.

CarsonF commented 9 years ago

So basically if a result is found then other "suggestions" won't be listed? Sounds solid...Are there any down sides?

FYI: I'm on vacation this week :)

Sorien commented 9 years ago

don't know about any

FYI: I'm on vacation this week

lucky you, have fun!