Sorien / silex-idea-plugin

Idea plugin for Silex Framework - plugin is not compatible with PHPStorm 2016.2
MIT License
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Does not find service with backslash in name #39

Closed Philipp91 closed 8 years ago

Philipp91 commented 8 years ago

My service of class \Some\Namespace\X is defined as sth like $container[X::class] = function ($c) { return new X(); } and the getter $container[X::class] works as expected during runtime, but there is no auto completion in the IDE and it falsely reports methods that could not be found.

Equally, $container["Some\\Namespace\\X"] does not work, but $container["Some\Namespace\X"] does (however it does not run for certain namespace names, when stuff gets actually escaped) and also $container['Some\Namespace\X'] works. It seems like the plugin only gets the string value from the code but does not handle the escaped backslashes.

Sorien commented 8 years ago

hi, pls recheck with this version all your issues should be fixed with last commits

Philipp91 commented 8 years ago

Hi, I checked with that version (0.9.8-dev), but it still does not work. Same problem as before when using "Something\\Else" as the name of a service. Registering the service like that and calling it as "Something\Else" still makes the resolution work, but the program doesn't run then.

Sorien commented 8 years ago

pls try it again ... there was problem that Travis did not deploy proper version.

Philipp91 commented 8 years ago

Thank you for responding so quickly! I indeed got a newer version now (10:55 today instead of mid-March) and it works a bit more, but not fully yet: $container["Something\\Else"] now works as expected, but the equivalent $somevar = "Something\\Else"; $container[$somevar] doesn't work and neither do $container[self::SOME_STATIC] or $container[\Something\Else::class]. So it only works for string literals that are directly there.

Sorien commented 8 years ago

are you sure that ::class and static is not working?




        "name": "\\foo\\faa\\Test",
        "type": "class",
        "value": "foo\\faa\\Test"

$container[$somevar] is a bit problematic to implement i'll look at it a bit more but i think there is no extension point to do it.

Philipp91 commented 8 years ago

I double-checked. ::class and a static variable are only working together if you use the former for service registration and the latter for retrieval.

I replicated your example. It doesn't run because Test::test != Test::class, but that's easily fixed (just remove the preceding backslash from Test::test). If I use Test::test for both registration and retrieval, it works. But whenever I use const TEST = Test::class; or $app[Test::class], it stops working, so the ::class is not recognized properly.

Sorien commented 8 years ago

oh i see now it should be better ... but its not possible to resolve const TEST = Test::class; with current api

Philipp91 commented 8 years ago

Great! Now it works, thank you so much! Resolving constants that depend on ::class is probably not necessary for anyone, neither is resolving the local variables. Those would be rare cases in framework code, where you could simply ignore the warnings.