Sorien / silex-idea-plugin

Idea plugin for Silex Framework - plugin is not compatible with PHPStorm 2016.2
MIT License
26 stars 8 forks source link

how to register error in phpstorm when method doesn't exist #41

Open rwitchell opened 7 years ago

rwitchell commented 7 years ago

Hi Sorien - great plugin - a big thank you for creating it.

A question: i'm hoping to have errors shown in phpstorm when the called method doesn't exist on the class.


I'm wanting an error on the getUserrrrr (as it doesn't exist in the class). Is this possible using this plugin?

Sorien commented 7 years ago

there is API for PHP inspection (com.jetbrains.php.lang.inspections.PhpInspection) but i've left silex and even php development long time ago and don't want to spend more time on this plugin, but if anybody interested there are some samples like