SortableJS / Sortable

Reorderable drag-and-drop lists for modern browsers and touch devices. No jQuery or framework required.
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[Feature Request] Option to show blank element in place of ghost #1449

Open armujahid opened 5 years ago

armujahid commented 5 years ago

There should be an option to show blank element is place of ghost that doesn't contain any child elements. I am not talking about hiding ghost.

Use case of this feature: Dragable item can contain onload handlers or iframe etc. That can trigger API calls on ghost dom node insertion. Hiding the ghost will not prevent API calls/event handlers execution. Demo: Try to drag 1st element to 4th element. API 1 will be called thrice because of ghost insertion on every move.

JQueryUI Sortable already has this feature by default. It shows empty ui-sortable-handle instead of showing ghost element. image

owen-m1 commented 5 years ago


new Sortable(list, {
    ghostClass: 'hidden'
.hidden {
    visibility: hidden;



armujahid commented 5 years ago

Issue still exists even after hiding ghost. You can check console logs and network calls. As I already mentioned hiding it will not stop dom events/API calls. Demo:

owen-m1 commented 5 years ago

@armujahid Apologies, I did not read far enough into your issue.

I created a demo that will set the src of the iframe to an empty string while it is being dragged:

The "onload" event is still fired, but no network request is made, only until the element is dropped (this would have to happen anyways).

Let me know if this solution is adequate. An option for a placeholder that is different from the dragging element is certainly a feature that can be added in the future, but for now this is all I can think of.

armujahid commented 5 years ago

I created that iframe and onload demo just for example. Actually we have full-fledged JavaScript dragable apps (called widgets) developed in multiple frameworks (angular, react, polymer etc). So for now I will use JQueryUI Sortable that already provides this feature. I will try to raise PR after analyzing this code base. May be we should add feature/enhanement label to this issue?

owen-m1 commented 5 years ago

If there was a way you could delete the contents of the component, and then re-add them later, you could do that instead of removing and re-adding the src of the iframe.

armujahid commented 5 years ago

I ended up using Muuri draggable grid layouts that can rearrange items using CSS transforms without insertion/removal of dom nodes :v:

mszacun commented 5 years ago

Is there possibility to remove ghost element completely? When moving between groups i don't want anything to show (not even empty space like when using visibility: hidden in new group before dropping items. I use highlighting with color to indicate that dropping is possible.

When i apply display: none to ghost element, dragged element is not positioned under cursor, because it takes initial position based on ghost element position. Is there any other way?

owen-m1 commented 5 years ago

@mszacun Try setting the display:none in the onStart event, which will be fired after the dragged element is positioned, and then you can reset the display in onEnd.