I was working around with multiDrag and found this problem.
My elements before multiDragging were square but after multiDragging it resized equally to its children
Then I found out that if I put the style directly to the elements then some of the style's attributes are not restored after multiDragging, but if I put the needed style to the class of the element then it worked
I was working around with multiDrag and found this problem.
My elements before multiDragging were square but after multiDragging it resized equally to its children
Then I found out that if I put the style directly to the elements then some of the style's attributes are not restored after multiDragging, but if I put the needed style to the class of the element then it worked
error demo: https://jsbin.com/yerodic/edit?html,css,js,console,output
no error demo: https://jsbin.com/mixilekotu/1/edit?html,css,js,console,output