SortableJS / Sortable

Reorderable drag-and-drop lists for modern browsers and touch devices. No jQuery or framework required.
MIT License
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[feature] accessing to multiDragElements #2188

Open daminho opened 2 years ago

daminho commented 2 years ago

In Sortable.js file, there is an array named multiDragElements to store selected elements. However, I cannot access to it to print it out for debugging, and it's quite inconvenient. Please, if it's possible, make it accessible in the next update <3. Love

taclose commented 2 years ago

I'm also stuck with a similar problem. There is no way to determine if an item is being selected. Therefore, I don't know when to use or when to use Sortable.utils.deselect. Is it possible to check it in a form like $("item").hasClass("selected-class")?

I would be happy if there was something like Sortable.utils.isSelected(item).

i'm japanese. sorry for my poor English.