SortableJS / Sortable

Reorderable drag-and-drop lists for modern browsers and touch devices. No jQuery or framework required.
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[bug] Flickering when non-nested elements are moved to a dynamically shown drop zone #2341

Open dertuxmalwieder opened 11 months ago

dertuxmalwieder commented 11 months ago

I have an interesting problem (using latest Chrome-based Edge and Sortable 1.15.1):

I need a sortable list with dynamic drop zones, because I want to be able to either move an element before/after another element or create a new subitem. Overall, it works quite nicely:


However, the "it works pretty nice" part ends as soon as the list contains multiple non-nested elements. It looks like Sortable gets confused when calculating the offset:

In order to make bug hunting easier, here are just the relevant parts:

I suspect that this is - somehow - related to #1686 (which was assumed to be fixed)?

dertuxmalwieder commented 11 months ago

Fix Workaround: Wait a bit before toggling.

  onMove(evt, _originalEvent) {
        let menuItem = $(evt.related).closest('.menuItem');
        if (menuItem.length > 0) {
            setTimeout(() => { $(".wm-dont-hide").removeClass("dont-hide"); }, 100);

However, this is far from a good solution in my opinion, or am I missing something?