SortableJS / Vue.Draggable

Vue drag-and-drop component based on Sortable.js
MIT License
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force-fallback prop not propagated to sortablejs if updated? #934

Open saraha33 opened 3 years ago

saraha33 commented 3 years ago

Dear VueDraggable people,

Description of the problem

my problem is the following:

im using vuedraggable in a component that should be able to be server-side rendered - therefore i only set the sortable.js option force-fallback in the mounted hook:

the component:

    :disabled="isMobile || selectActive"
    :group="{ name: dragName, pull: 'clone', put: false }"
      v-for="(item, index) in list"
      :key=" || item.title"
      <!-- ..... -->

the relevant script part:

import Draggable from 'vuedraggable';
export default {
  name: 'BaseMenuList',
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      dragAndDropCapable: false, // which makes force-fallback: true!
  mounted() {
    // now the variable is becoming true if browser supports drag and drop and force-fallback --> false
    this.dragAndDropCapable = ('DragEvent' in window);

when i check in the vue developer tools i can see that the prop is correctly saying force-fallback: false:

vuedraggable $attrs

however how i noticed that this might not be propagated to sortablejs is that the 'sortable-fallback' class is actually added to to class attribute on drag start: sortable-fallback

this unfortunately causes that my set-data function setDragItem() is not triggered and the drag image is not set correctly...

if i revert the code to have a computed property:

export default {
    computed: {
      dragAndDropCapable() {
        return ('DragEvent' in window);

everything works correctly. (however this would not work with SSR)

So is there any wrongdoing on my side? Anything i could do differently to achieve that force-fallback is set to false correctly? Or is it really only possible to set the option on render atm? If so - is that the intended behavior our could it be considered a bug?

CodeSandbox link

I also created a code sandbox with the code outlined above to demonstrate the problem:

PS: found out now that apparently it is the nativeDraggable variable of sortablejs that is not updated after creation of the Sortable instance (everything works again if i do this in mounted this.$refs.draggable._sortable.nativeDraggable = true;)

jacekkarczmarczyk commented 3 years ago

works with :options="{ forceFallback: ...}" but gives a warning Options props is deprecated, add sortable options directly as vue.draggable item, or use v-bind