Closed RuralYak closed 4 years ago
After joining to active multi user room I noticed that not all users has their avatars like in skype. Found this in logs:
May-2 06:20:20.409 [UserSync] silly: Start of getClient request May-2 06:20:20.409 [UserSync] info: Fetching client for -1 May-2 06:20:20.409 [SQLite3] silly: Get: SELECT * FROM user_store WHERE user_id = $id AND puppet_id = $pid May-2 06:20:20.410 [bot-sdk-MatrixLiteClient] info: (REQ-1) POST http://public-matrix:8008/_matrix/client/r0/register May-2 06:20:20.410 [bot-sdk-MatrixLiteClient] debug: (REQ-1) qs = {"user_id":"@_skypepuppet__8=<USER_ID>:domain.tld"} May-2 06:20:20.410 [bot-sdk-MatrixLiteClient] debug: (REQ-1) body = {"type":"m.login.application_service","username":"_skypepuppet__8=<USER_ID>"} May-2 06:20:20.418 [bot-sdk-Appservice] error: Error registering user: User ID is in use May-2 06:20:20.418 [bot-sdk-Metrics] debug: matrix_client_function_call May-2 06:20:20.419 [Util] info: Processing profile update... May-2 06:20:20.419 [Util] verbose: { puppetId: -1, userId: '8:<user_id>', name: '<user_full_name>', avatarUrl: '<user_id>/public', avatarMxc: 'mxc://domain.tld/FdJaaHexidRalCuTcOzhujiK', avatarHash: 'ae47723c33cfc5360a2130a41e72c5694e890673b3f156a9c363c932ec930b4c701c1c1ef2db14d20065da58ebf81b0c2d17cd47b2214553a9e4d7c7a74546c2' } --> { puppetId: 2, userId: '8:<user_id>', name: '<user_full_name>', avatarUrl: '<user_id>/public' } May-2 06:20:20.419 [Util] verbose: Old profile exists, looking at diff... May-2 06:20:20.419 [UserSync] verbose: Returning client May-2 06:20:20.420 [bot-sdk-Metrics] debug: intent_function_call May-2 06:20:20.420 [bot-sdk-Metrics] debug: matrix_client_function_call May-2 06:20:20.420 [RoomSync] info: Fetching mxid for roomId and puppetId -1 May-2 06:20:20.421 [Util] info: Processing profile update... May-2 06:20:20.421 [Util] verbose: { mxid: '!RBOWQEZaOhwgZslZBp:domain.tld', roomId: '', puppetId: -1, isDirect: false, e2be: false, isUsed: false, name: '<room_name>', avatarUrl: null, avatarMxc: null, avatarHash: null, topic: null, groupId: null, externalUrl: null } --> { puppetId: 2, roomId: '', name: '<room_name>', avatarUrl: '' } May-2 06:20:20.421 [Util] verbose: Old profile exists, looking at diff... May-2 06:20:20.421 [Util] verbose: Uploading avatar... May-2 06:20:20.421 [Util] silly: May-2 06:20:20.421 [Util] silly: fetching avatar... May-2 06:20:20.715 [Util] error: Error uploading file content: HTTPError: Response code 401 (Unauthorized) at EventEmitter.<anonymous> (/opt/mx-puppet-skype/node_modules/got/dist/source/as-promise.js:118:31) at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>) at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)
fixed in
After joining to active multi user room I noticed that not all users has their avatars like in skype. Found this in logs: