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Several strings are missing in German and French #5

Open pguyot opened 4 years ago

pguyot commented 4 years ago

Working on fixing typos in French, I noticed that several strings are simply missing from the game, in German and in French.

Missing strings in German are strings with the following id (id being 0-based index in stringsLut_de, parameter _i to Text::load):

Missing string in French is string with id 150.

For example, strings.h currently reads:

const Strings_LUT stringsLut_de[] = {
    { 0, 0 },
    { 47, 0 },
    { 63, 0 },
    { 64, 0 },

In decompressed chunk 0, string at index 2 starts at 63 and ends immediatly (character 63 being a null byte).

As a consequence (in French), I was surprised to find out much later in the game that there was a fish in the inventory: the French text is simply missing, and the NPC never mentioned they were giving Reuben a fish.

pguyot commented 4 years ago

Additionally, some strings seem incomplete. For example 147 in German:

147 de Oh viiiieeelen lieben
147 en Oh Thank you SOOOO much! Would you pleasereturn a letter for me? Thank you!€
147 fr Oh merci beaucoup!!! Pouvez-vousretourner cette lettre pour moi? Merci!€