Este é um sistema de "Shinobi no Sho", um sistema e livro de regras com autoria de Diego "Fesant" Silva, para a plataforma de RPG de Mesa conhecida como FoundryVTT.
actor ninja sheet: was applied the ninja sheet layout with some stylizations (2b595f5)
actor sheet, 'inventario' and 'biografia': created a sub-tabs for biografia tab, and several fields, also was created inventory filter with layout (5cfc871)
actor sheet: changed the name of new items from 'New' to 'Novo(a)' (8a7a5a1)
actor sheet: created label with localization for all skills (3cb85b0)
all items: changed the all items with tabulated fields with stylizations and new and respective tabs (e8d410c)
config.mjs: added skills (general and social) for register constants with localizations (6f27529)
css/sass: added styles for ninja sheet and several items of system (beb31a7)
css/sass: added styles for sheet-body, combat tab, biography tab, and flex utilities (8699af9)
css/sass: created some classes for tabulate with flex display (fab7908)
css: added styles for tabs on ninja sheet (1682c07)
item-sheet: changed the width from 620 to 520 pixels (02035a1)
localization: skills translates and new translates for items (9e069ec)
ninja part combat: added all template data to fields values and names for read and write actions (5a42768)
ninja part skills: added all template data to fields and refactor HTML with handlebars loop (9665330)
ninja sheet parts: added and tabulated informations of items with display flex (79e7592)
ninja sheet parts: added list of items about techniques and aptitudes/powers (da3fccc)
ninja sheet parts: applied combat skills and combat statistics section layout with fields (7eab20c)
ninja sheet: added all template data to fields and fixed the overflow scroll to tabs (0036516)
ninja sheet: created layout for family tab, added max vitality and chakra (5072c40)
ninja skills part: created a tab for general skills and social skills (8c66091)
resources: added some utility class styles (padding and bold) (c0e2e58)
system.json: changed the background image and thumbnail of system to naruto wallpaper (e679cbe)
template.json: changed ryos value from 0 to 100, because this is the standard value (61d9185)
template.json: changed the item type from 'geral' to 'gerais' (5ac5ec3)
template.json: created data of ninja sheet with details informations and skills (3a1f7ce)
:robot: Release candidate PR :rocket:
0.3.0 (2024-07-05)
This PR was generated with Release Please. See documentation.