Soumya-Kushwaha / SoundScape

Real Time Sound Visualizer
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Updated visualizers and mainpage using KIVY GUI #153

Open Priyaanshucodez opened 5 days ago

Priyaanshucodez commented 5 days ago

ma'am you can check the file now #133 ....if in case of any discrepancies ..plz tell me ..I will resolve it

Priyaanshucodez commented 8 hours ago

yes sure ... I have actually modified the 4 main visualizers using KivyGUI as an Alternative to PySimpleGUI giving the same output as the previous code.

Screenshot (54) Screenshot (53) Screenshot (52) Screenshot (50)

Priyaanshucodez commented 8 hours ago

used it as an alternative since PySimpleGUI was not working from the user end referred to issue #133