Soumya-Kushwaha / SoundScape

Real Time Sound Visualizer
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Improve GUI Responsiveness in Spectrogram Application #66

Open Shubhanshu-356 opened 1 month ago

Shubhanshu-356 commented 1 month ago

Dear Soumya Kushwaha

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to address an issue regarding the responsiveness of the GUI in our spectrogram application. Currently, users are experiencing delays and freezes in the interface, particularly during audio processing tasks. To enhance user experience and ensure smooth operation of the application, I propose implementing the following strategies:

1.Multithreading: Execute the audio processing and plotting tasks in separate threads to prevent blocking the main GUI thread. This will ensure that the GUI remains responsive even during heavy audio processing.

2.Optimized Plotting: Optimize the plotting code to minimize the time taken to update the plot. This may involve reducing unnecessary computations or using more efficient plotting methods.

3.Buffering: Implement buffering of audio data to smooth out the processing load and avoid sudden spikes in CPU usage. Buffering will provide more consistent performance and prevent the GUI from freezing. By implementing these strategies, we can significantly improve the responsiveness and usability of the spectrogram application, thereby enhancing user satisfaction.

Shubhanshu-356 commented 1 month ago

Assign this issue to me I will work on it

Sailza commented 1 month ago

As a contributor to GSSOC 2024, I'm eager to take on tasks. Could you please assign me this task for completion?

Shubhanshu-356 commented 1 month ago

Assign it to me I work on it

Shubhanshu-356 commented 1 month ago

Thanks for assigning I work on it

abhinav120304 commented 1 month ago

As a contributor to GSSOC 2024, I'm eager to take on tasks. Could you please assign me this task for completion?

hrshankar2002 commented 1 month ago

Reduced responsiveness of GUI is because of the use of matplotlib, which provides half the frame rate, other optimised real time signal processing libraries promise in the marketplace nowadays. Could you please assign me to the issue, so that i could work on the optimisation problem in delivering the latter, myself being a GSSOC-24 contributor.

Shubhanshu-356 commented 1 month ago

I am doing again please refer it I will make changes and give it you the code with no branch conflicts.

Shubhanshu-356 commented 1 month ago

I am doing please refer my solution i will surely provide the code with no branch conflicts

Shubhanshu-356 commented 1 month ago

ok thanks I will do from there you can start