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Extra material: faster reverse #1

Open hellwolf opened 1 year ago

hellwolf commented 1 year ago

Graham Hutton has an excellent advanced functional programming in Haskell which also discussed the faster reverse:

It would be a good exercise to do an Agda proof of it.

reverse' :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]                           
reverse' [] ys = ys                                     
reverse' (x:xs) ys = reverse' xs (x: ys)                

-- | Faster reverse in O(n).                            
reverse :: [a] -> [a]                                   
reverse xs = reverse' xs []                             
Soupstraw commented 1 year ago

Yeah, this is basically analogous to implementing it using foldl. It's also a good exercise to prove that this reverse and the one in the presentation are equivalent.