SourMesen / Mesen

Mesen is a cross-platform (Windows & Linux) NES/Famicom emulator built in C++ and C#
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Crash without any error dialog #791

Closed binarycow closed 4 years ago

binarycow commented 4 years ago

Steps to replicate:

nestest-automated.nes is the normal nestest.nes file, with 0xC000 manually entered in the reset vector:

Here are my Mesen settings:

And here's the debugger files. Note that in the trace log, it seemed to crash in the middle of an RTS instruction.

Additionally, note that when running this rom in Mesen (without the debugger attached) it states "Game has crashed (Invalid OP code - CPU crashed.)"

SourMesen commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the report.

I haven't investigated in depth yet, but it looks like the crash may be due to the ROM attempting to execute code from unmapped memory (e.g open bus) at $5xxx, which is causing issues with some of the debugger logic (and crashes in the debugger's code.)

It does not appear to be related to invalid opcodes - these are treated as any other op code, the only difference is that a message is shown when a "halt" opcode is hit to inform the user the game has crashed.

SourMesen commented 4 years ago

The crashes should be fixed as of the latest commit - thanks again for the report!