SouthAfricaDigitalScience / quantum-espresso-deploy

The repository that contains the Quantum-Espresso deploy code. It builds and checks the QE binaries
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quantum-espresso-deploy/ARCH=x86_64,GCC_VERSION=5.4.0,NAME=quantum-espresso,OS=centos7,SITE=generic,VERSION=5.1.2 #3 failed #9

Closed jenkinsSAGrid closed 7 years ago

jenkinsSAGrid commented 7 years ago

Build 'quantum-espresso-deploy/ARCH=x86_64,GCC_VERSION=5.4.0,NAME=quantum-espresso,OS=centos7,SITE=generic,VERSION=5.1.2' is failing!

Last 50 lines of build output:

[...truncated 249.06 KB...]
a - struct_fact.o
a - sum_band.o
a - sumkg.o
a - sumkt.o
a - summary.o
a - symme.o
a - symm_base.o
a - symmetrize_at.o
a - tabd.o
a - transform_becsum_so.o
a - transform_becsum_nc.o
a - transform_qq_so.o
a - trnvecc.o
a - tweights.o
a - update_pot.o
a - us_exx.o
a - usnldiag.o
a - v_of_rho.o
a - vcsmd.o
a - vcsubs.o
a - vhpsi.o
a - vloc_of_g.o
a - vloc_psi.o
a - xdm_dispersion.o
a - xk_wk_collect.o
a - wfcinit.o
a - write_ns.o
a - wsweight.o
a - weights.o
a - ortho_wfc.o
a - wannier_proj.o
a - wannier_init.o
a - wannier_check.o
a - wannier_clean.o
a - wannier_occ.o
a - wannier_enrg.o
a - wyckoff.o
ranlib libpw.a
/data/ci-build/generic/centos7/x86_64/openmpi/1.8.8-gcc-5.4.0/bin/mpif90 -L/data/ci-build/generic/centos7/x86_64/gmp/6.1.0/lib -o pw.x \
   pwscf.o  libpw.a ../../Modules/libqemod.a ../../FFTXlib/libqefft.a ../../flib/ptools.a ../../flib/flib.a ../../clib/clib.a ../../iotk/src/libiotk.a  -L/lib -llapack -lblas -L/data/ci-build/generic/centos7/x86_64/fftw/3.3.4-gcc-5.4.0-mpi-1.8.8/lib -lfftw3  /home/jenkins/workspace/quantum-espresso-deploy/ARCH/x86_64/GCC_VERSION/5.4.0/NAME/quantum-espresso/OS/centos7/SITE/generic/VERSION/5.1.2/quantum-espresso/BLAS/blas.a   
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -llapack
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lblas
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [pw.x] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/jenkins/workspace/quantum-espresso-deploy/ARCH/x86_64/GCC_VERSION/5.4.0/NAME/quantum-espresso/OS/centos7/SITE/generic/VERSION/5.1.2/quantum-espresso/PW/src'
make[1]: *** [pw] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/jenkins/workspace/quantum-espresso-deploy/ARCH/x86_64/GCC_VERSION/5.4.0/NAME/quantum-espresso/OS/centos7/SITE/generic/VERSION/5.1.2/quantum-espresso/PW'
make: *** [pw] Error 1
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure

Changes since last successful build: No changes

View full output

jenkinsSAGrid commented 7 years ago

Build was fixed!