SouthFACT / landsatfact-data

The backend geoprocessing project for nemac/landsat-fact-viewer
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Incorporate Quad Cloud Cover in PHP SOAP API scripts #24

Open mwhutchi opened 9 years ago

mwhutchi commented 9 years ago

Finalize script that checks if quad CC is met and continue with geoprocessing to produce change products

geoderek commented 9 years ago

In looking at this the PHP SOAP API datasetFields() method provides for the ability to tell which field can be used as a search criteria, in this case providing us the ability to filter on cloud cover. However, this method is limited to preset limits (e.g. Less than 80% or 90%). I don't think with this method it is possible to specify in between values such as 87.5%.

I did some validation of the records being returned via this search filter method and it seems to work well. With the ability to restrict datasets on the front-end to those which have an acceptable cloud cover percent seems useful. We may want to contact USGS EROS to see about adding or accessing the ability to do more specific cc filter values.

geoderek commented 9 years ago

Per Linda O. at USGS EROS: "For full metadata, you should be using the metadata url in the response, which includes the "Full" metadata that is displayed within EarthExplorer. The system is designed in a way that the metadata response will apply to all scenes, regardless of dataset, so all dataset specific metadata is found in the xml document the link points to."