SouthGreenPlatform / culebrONT

A snakemake pipeline to assembly, polishing, correction and quality check from Oxford nanopore reads.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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culebrONT test run giving error! #6

Closed aswathyseb closed 2 years ago

aswathyseb commented 2 years ago


Thank you for this pipeline. I am testing out using the test dataset on a local machine.

The command I ran is

culebrONT run_local -t 8 -c test/data_test_config.yaml

But I get this error

Error in rule run_canu: jobid: 7 ERROR: Invalid command line option '/home/aswathy/tmp/test/Data-Xoo-sub/fastq/5percentB1-1.fastq.gz'. Did you forget quotes around options with spaces?

Attached is the detailed error message.


Could you please help me resolve this?

Thank you

sravel commented 2 years ago

Hello Thanks for use CulebrONT !!! Could you please send us complet log file? we need to ckeck the snakemake command line to help you

However, we think you need to binding singularity: see

you have 2 solutions to bind singularity:

We wait for your news !


aswathyseb commented 2 years ago

Binding singularity solved the issue. I was able to run it.

Thank you.

aswathyseb commented 2 years ago


Unfortunately when I try on my dataset I get the error that my fastq file doen't exist when it is actually present in the folder. The command I ran is

time culebrONT run_local -c config.yaml -t 15 --singularity-args "--bind $HOME"

Attached are the log files and the config file




Could you please help?

sravel commented 2 years ago

Hello Can you write the snakemake command line in the log file? Is it the good path? /analysis/work/aswathy/projects/scott-linder/pacbio_assembly_pyoelii/trials/culebrONT/data/fastq/ccs.fq

because when you write relative path on config.yaml the absolute path is build relative to the file: so for you i think is like this:


cant you try to write absolute path on your config.yaml like:

    FASTQ: '/analysis/work/aswathy/projects/scott-linder/pacbio_assembly_pyoelii/trials/culebrONT/data/fastq/'
    FAST5: ''
    ILLUMINA: ''
    GENOME_SIZE: '23m'
    REF: '/analysis/work/aswathy/projects/scott-linder/pacbio_assembly_pyoelii/trials/culebrONT/data/refs/PlasmoDB-52_Pyoeliiyoelii17X_Genome.fasta'
    OUTPUT: '/analysis/work/aswathy/projects/scott-linder/pacbio_assembly_pyoelii/trials/culebrONT/culebrONT_OUTPUT/'
aswathyseb commented 2 years ago

Yes, that is a valid path.

Also I tried with absolute paths in my config file but still get the same error!

sravel commented 2 years ago

Ok I see the bug, on data_test you run on $HOME but here on /analysis/ try this: time culebrONT run_local -c config.yaml -t 15 --singularity-args "--bind /analysis/:/analysis/"

aswathyseb commented 2 years ago

Thank you. It looks like that was the problem. It is running...