Southampton-RSG-Training / dirac-intro-to-mpi

WIP: training material for DiRAC MPI course
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Review: 3. Writing Parallel Algorithms in MPI #10

Closed Edward-RSE closed 1 month ago

Edward-RSE commented 1 year ago

This issue is to track comments and changes for this episode.

Edward-RSE commented 1 year ago

See and on how I think this episode and the first two episodes could be re-shuffled and re-consolidated into two episodes.

Edward-RSE commented 1 year ago

Sorry, working from the bottom up for the episode, so to address the last section first...

Using MPI to Split Work Across Processes

The section is titled "splitting work across processes" but we don't show that or explain how to do it in the text (or in the next episode).

I think we really need to explicitly show how we'd split some (trivial) work up using the rank number and rank size, e.g. something like this should be shown and explained,

#define NUM_ITERATIONS 1000

int my_rank;
int num_ranks;

MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_ranks);

// calculate how many iterations each rank will deal with
int iterations_per_rank = NUM_ITERATIONS / num_ranks;
int rank_start = my_rank * iterations_per_rank;
int rank_end = (my_rank + 1) * iterations_per_rank;

// catch cases where the work can't be split evenly 
if (rank_end > NUM_ITERATIONS) {
    rank_end = NUM_ITERATIONS;

// each rank is dealing with a subset of the problem 
for (int i = rank_start; i < rank_end; ++i) {
    // code to work on that subset of data

We also have another code example from DiRAC ( which splits work a bit differently (there isn't a license for this example, but I'm sure Richard won't mind us re-using it).

Edward-RSE commented 1 year ago

Continuing with the review from the top now, just to be confusing.

Serial and Parallel Execution

Data dependency

Parallel Paradigms

Algorithm Design

Domain Decomposition

steve-crouch commented 1 month ago
