Southclaws / sampctl

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runtime directory error #408

Closed tars-c closed 3 years ago

tars-c commented 3 years ago

INFO: build finished

ERROR: failed to copy amx file to temporary runtime directory: failed to copy AMX to temporary runtime area: open C:\Users\@username.samp\runtime\0.3.7\gamemodes\test.amx: The system cannot find the path specified. watch-run: executing package code

Is there a problem with the path or the pawn.json file? Or Directory?

Southclaws commented 3 years ago

Either the source or destination path does not exist.

tars-c commented 3 years ago

@Southclaws I have corrected the path, but I keep getting the error. Can I see a sample for pawn.json file? Can I see a sample of using the --watch option? You've already seen the Twitch video.

tars-c commented 3 years ago

@Southclaws I have set up the pawn.json file.

    "user": "tars-c",
    "repo": "roleplay-server",
    "entry": "rp_modes/roleplay.pwn",
    "output": "gamemodes/roleplay.amx",
    "dependencies": [
    "local": true,
    "runtime": {
        "version": "0.3.7",
        "mode": "roleplay",
        "port": 7777,
        "hostname": "Roleplay Test Server",
        "maxplayers": 50,
        "announce": true,
        "query": true,
        "rcon": false,
        "logqueries": false,
        "maxnpc": 0,
        "stream_rate": 1000,
        "stream_distance": 200,
        "onfoot_rate": 30,
        "incar_rate": 30,
        "weapon_rate": 30,
        "chatlogging": true,
        "timestamp": true,
        "messageholelimit": 3000,
        "messageslimit": 500,
        "ackslimit": 3000,
        "playertimeout": 10000,
        "minconnectiontime": 0,
        "lagcompmode": 1,
        "connseedtime": 300000,
        "db_logging": false,
        "db_log_queries": false,
        "conncookies": true,
        "cookielogging": false,
        "output": true

rp_modes folder directory is same as sa-mp server root directory (gamemodes, scriptfiles, plugins, rp_modes...) pwn file compiled sucess! But I get an error in the output path. (*.amx file)

Do you see a problem with my pawn.json file?

Southclaws commented 3 years ago

failed to copy amx file to temporary runtime directory implies it's trying to use the cache directory (aka, non-local) but you have local set to true so I don't know.

ADRFranklin commented 3 years ago

@tars-c this doesn't add up, could you run the same process again with the --verbose flag and paste the output either in pastebin or something similar so we can check what is happening?

ADRFranklin commented 3 years ago

@tars-c I think we have found a possible reason for this, a temp fix for you would be to remove the local setting, build/run with it, then add the local setting back to the config file.

tars-c commented 3 years ago

@ADRFranklin At first time, I didn't use the verbose option. I set the output directory using the verbose option and ran the test.

All the errors have been fixed! Thank you very much!

@Southclaws Thank you very much!!

the clsoed Issues.