Currently, "Datagraph items" represent a generic shape of either thread/reply/post, profile, library page, and probably more eventually. The point of a "Datagraph item" abstraction is to provide a generic data structure for contexts where mixing content types makes sense. Search results being the main one, as well as recommendations ("you like this post, you may like this stuff [post, profile, post, post, page]")
primary image (for posts, it's either the first image in the content, or the preview image of the first link... maybe, for links it's just the opengraph image "primary_image", for library pages it's the upcoming "primary_image", for profiles it's the avatar)
content: for posts/pages/etc the actual HTML content, for profiles it's the bio, for links it's the extracted content description
author: everything has an author so we need to expose it as a ProfileReference for proper rendering
created date: obvious
future stuff:
category? only applies to posts, but worth exposing I guess
Currently, "Datagraph items" represent a generic shape of either thread/reply/post, profile, library page, and probably more eventually. The point of a "Datagraph item" abstraction is to provide a generic data structure for contexts where mixing content types makes sense. Search results being the main one, as well as recommendations ("you like this post, you may like this stuff [post, profile, post, post, page]")
Right now the data is:
Which isn't enough, we also need to expose:
future stuff: