Southclaws / supervillain

Converts Go structs to Zod schemas
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Support for inline struct fields #14

Closed m4tty-d closed 2 months ago

m4tty-d commented 2 months ago


I just ran into that the current implementation doesn't properly handle inline struct fields.

When a struct embeds another struct with the json:",inline" tag, the fields from the embedded struct should be flattened into the parent struct's schema.

Here's a test case that demonstrates the issue:

func TestInlineStructField(t *testing.T) {
    type TestInline struct {
        InlineField1 string  `json:"inlineField1"`
        InlineField2 *string `json:"inlineField2,omitempty"`

    type Test struct {
        *TestInline `json:",inline"`
        TestField   string `json:"testField"`

        `export const TestSchema = z.object({
  inlineField1: z.string(),
  inlineField2: z.string().optional(),
  testField: z.string(),
export type Test = z.infer<typeof TestSchema>

`, StructToZodSchema(Test{}))

I've already created a fix, will open a pull request soon.