Open computate opened 4 years ago
@computate The steps weren't clear to me at first...that I needed to copy the contents of the yaml file into the editor after issuing the ansible create/edit command. Perhaps the instructions could be edited to provide more clear step by step instructions:
@computate Chris, I forgot I was logged in with my other account...this is the github account I need to use for this project. Can you invite cc5tudio instead of charlescampbell599 to the account. Thanks.
OK, I cleaned up the accounts @cc5tudio
What are the values for REDHAT_OPENSHIFT_TOKEN ? Its asking me to create another account:
@cc5tudio The REDHAT_OPENSHIFT_TOKEN is the token you get when you copy the login command in OpenShift as seen here:
Create an ansible vault for your OpenShift.
As a team, create and edit an encrypted ansible vault with a password for the host secrets for your shared OpenShift inventory.
The contents of the vault will contain the secrets needed to override any default values you want to change in the app defaults defined here.
There are descriptions for each of the fields. There are several sections of fields, including:
Here is an example of the contents of the ansible vault for OpenShift:
Look for values to override, especially those like this: "...".