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Creating the countdown block feature #4

Closed github-learning-lab[bot] closed 4 years ago

github-learning-lab[bot] commented 4 years ago

Creating the countdown block feature


Now we covered the component's basics, it's time to implement the countdown effectively. For that, we need to use a React hook called useState.

The useState hook

It is called within the functional component to update and consume the component state. The state represents the component's current state.

The useState returns a pair: the current state value and a function to update it.

Seeing the example provided on the previous step we can understand these concepts:

const [count, setCount] = useState(0)

In the above code piece, you might observe three things:

const [timeRemaining, setTime] = useState<TimeSplit>({
  hours: '00', 
  minutes: '00', 
  seconds: '00'


  1. First, we need to import a few functions and types to continue. Inside the Countdown component, import the following:

    import React, { useState } from 'react'
    import { TimeSplit } from './typings/global'
    import { tick, getTwoDaysFromNow } from './utils/time'

    The getTwoDaysFromNow function will be used to deal with edge cases. It'll be explained later on in this step.

  2. Next step is to add the state update hook (useState):

    const Countdown: StorefrontFunctionComponent<CountdownProps> = ({ targetDate }) => {
    +   const [timeRemaining, setTime] = useState<TimeSplit>({
    +     hours: '00',
    +     minutes: '00',
    +     seconds: '00'
    +   })
        return (
            { targetDate }
  3. After doing that, we'll add a default constant targetDate for the edge case where the prop is not defined. We'll use as fallback a date that is defined as two days from the current date, this date is calculated on an util function that was previously imported from the /utils folder.

    const DEFAULT_TARGET_DATE = getTwoDaysFromNow()
  4. Now, we need to add the tick function and the DEFAULT_TARGET_DATE constant to make the countdown work:

    const Countdown: StorefrontFunctionComponent<CountdownProps> = ({ targetDate = DEFAULT_TARGET_DATE }) => {
      const [timeRemaining, setTime] = useState<TimeSplit>({
        hours: '00',
        minutes: '00',
        seconds: '00'
    + tick(targetDate, setTime)
      return (
          { targetDate }
  5. At last but not least, change the h1 so that it shows the countdown that we've created. For that, we need to use the timeRemaining current state:

    const Countdown: StorefrontFunctionComponent<CountdownProps> = ({ targetDate = DEFAULT_TARGET_DATE }) => {
      const [timeRemaining, setTime] = useState<TimeSplit>({
        hours: '00',
        minutes: '00',
        seconds: '00'
      tick(targetDate, setTime)
      return (
    -     <h1>{ targetDate }</h1>
    +     <h1>{ `${timeRemaining.hours}:${timeRemaining.minutes}:${timeRemaining.seconds}` }</h1>

    The countdown string formatting is in a HH:MM:SS format, made through an hours, minutes and seconds splitting.

Therefore, with these changes, we'll see a real-time update of the countdown! The result on the homepage is this:


github-learning-lab[bot] commented 4 years ago

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