As an SCS Operator, I want to be able to deploy OpenStack services with MariaDB thurgh ProxySQL as their database over TLS so that I can have E2E encrypted communication between OpenStack services.
Definition of Ready:
[ ] User Story is clear and understood by the whole team
[ ] Acceptance criteria are defined
[ ] Acceptance criteria are clear and understood by the whole team
Definition of Done:
[ ] Ansible Kolla is able to deploy OpenStack services with connection to MariaDB through ProxySQL as their database over TLS
[ ] The patch has been submitted to upstream and merged.
As Ansible Kolla uses ProxySQL the same as HTTP services use HAProxy for their traffic this task was edited to be more specific to the part of implementation in question.
Epic #462
As an SCS Operator, I want to be able to deploy OpenStack services with MariaDB thurgh ProxySQL as their database over TLS so that I can have E2E encrypted communication between OpenStack services.
Definition of Ready:
Definition of Done: