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Deploy security scanner pipeline to SCS Zuul #537

Open bitkeks opened 7 months ago

bitkeks commented 7 months ago

After #526 is nearly completed, the produced pipelines shall be pushed to and be executed by SCS Zuul.

Story to epic #525.

Definition of Ready:

Definition of Done:

bitkeks commented 7 months ago

As discussed, the container pipeline is ready to be tested and ran in SCS Zuul.

As a first target, the security-test testbed is used. Reports are uploaded to the DefectDojo installed in this environment as well.

90n20 commented 6 months ago

Initial draft of the pipeline has been commited to dev_pipeline branch at security-infra-scan-pipeline repository.

The repository has been included into SCS Zuul configuration via zuul PR#20

As for now it executes nightly the following tools aginst a testbed instance: naabu + httpx + nuclei. The ouptut can be seen on SCS Zuul logs while the DefectDojo instance is being configured properly.

90n20 commented 5 months ago

Pipeline development has been performed through private repos and a test Zuul deployment in order to not interfere with SCS Zuul instance and working pipelines.

After some blockers with ZAP integration, as by default official containers only support scanning one target at a time, daily scans work as expected, uploading resutls to defect dojo instance.

This daily scan performs a baseline passive scanning, leaving the heavy workloads of active scans to the weekly trigger (still under development). This trigger has been already added to Zuul configuration in zuul-config PR#41

Mentioned updates are being merged via security-infra-scan-pipeline PR#2.

bitkeks commented 4 months ago

Please give an update about the current state of blockers and progress in the next days, maybe in IAM/Sec call?

90n20 commented 4 months ago

Please give an update about the current state of blockers and progress in the next days, maybe in IAM/Sec call?

Will add everything we have worked until now in the call agenda.

Regarding current state of the pipeline, we are dealing with uploading weekly Greenbone Scans to DefectDojo. The scans themselves are working and providing valid xml results, but the import process is failing and debug information is not very "explicit" on what is happening.

90n20 commented 3 months ago

A new branch has been created with the files and configuration that allow to perform weekly scans. This includes all previous tools plus Greenbone CE => feat/weekly-pipeline

During the development and deployment of this weekly pipeline, we encountered some blockers, that were investigated, mitigated and tested in our private environment before getting it into this stable state:

Minor fixes have been carried on the daily pipeline:

90n20 commented 3 months ago

Weekly pipeline has been merged through During the review of this PR some concerns were introduced:

Installation and configuration scripts have been provided in order to allow the deployment of a fully functional DefectDojo instance. The infrastructure is created via terraform scripts and the installation via ansible playbooks and roles. Instructions for deployment have been provided in README file:

Documentation for the security scanner pipeline is WIP. It will expand with details on the following: