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Research Keycloak social login #711

Open JuanPTM opened 3 months ago

JuanPTM commented 3 months ago

Research how other Keycloak users handle social login attemps from users that are not members of the github organization e.g

JuanPTM commented 3 months ago

ISSUE: When a social login is configured ANY user that has an account on that site, can log in into Keycloak and then into Horizon/openstack.

After researching what other users there is no "native" way to solve the issue, but there are several approaches.

App control: Users has to be provisioned and the app has to allow/decline the login.

Authenticator: Create a java authenticator for Keycloak that let you filter for users from the federation.

Whitelist: Another approach like the previous one but that let only login users from a whitelist. Pretty basic solution that should be off of scope in our case.

Keycloak-plugin: Same author as our current home-idp-discovery. There is a plugin that only allow certains users the access to a specific Keycloak client. This is used to filters users. Can be done with roles or policies on keycloak.

Keycloak organizations: Keycloak 25, I haven't research too much into it yet.