SovereignCloudStack / k8s-cluster-api-provider

Automation to use the OpenStack Kubernetes API Provider on SCS
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Prefix all resources with PREFIX and CLUSTER_NAME #495

Open garloff opened 10 months ago

garloff commented 10 months ago

As a cluster administrator, I want to be able to identify all IaaS resources that belong to a cluster, so I know what to save and what I can possibly safely delete when cleaning up.

Looking at the various resources at the OpenStack level, we do not consistently prefix everything with (per mgmthost) prefix and clustername. Here's what we find:



I may have overlooked some resource.

So, we should look at

I am not sure that all of this can easily be addressed without hacking OCCM/CSI. But then we maybe should do that ...

garloff commented 10 months ago

I should mention that providing consistency here would make the make fullclean option a lot better and safer. (See #484, #492).

fdobrovolny commented 10 months ago


The CAPO has in its networking module following:

const (
    networkPrefix string = "k8s-clusterapi"
    trunkResource string = "trunks"
    portResource  string = "ports"


Then the router name is obtained by:

func getRouterName(clusterName string) string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s-cluster-%s", networkPrefix, clusterName)


The network and subnet name is obtained by:

func getSubnetName(clusterName string) string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s-cluster-%s", networkPrefix, clusterName)

func getNetworkName(clusterName string) string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s-cluster-%s", networkPrefix, clusterName)

Floating IP description

func GetDescription(clusterName string) string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("Created by cluster-api-provider-openstack cluster %s", clusterName)

However, this description get used in multiple resources:

Floating IP Tags

    fpCreateOpts.FloatingNetworkID = openStackCluster.Status.ExternalNetwork.ID
    fpCreateOpts.Description = names.GetDescription(clusterName)

Here it would be probably possible to add tags.


The CAPO has the following in the load balancer module:

const (
    networkPrefix   string = "k8s-clusterapi"
    kubeapiLBSuffix string = "kubeapi"

And then the name is obtained by:

func getLoadBalancerName(clusterName string) string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s-cluster-%s-%s", networkPrefix, clusterName, kubeapiLBSuffix)

fdobrovolny commented 10 months ago

Security Groups

const (
    secGroupPrefix     string = "k8s"
    controlPlaneSuffix string = "controlplane"
    workerSuffix       string = "worker"
    bastionSuffix      string = "bastion"
    remoteGroupIDSelf  string = "self"

func getSecControlPlaneGroupName(clusterName string) string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s-cluster-%s-secgroup-%s", secGroupPrefix, clusterName, controlPlaneSuffix)

func getSecWorkerGroupName(clusterName string) string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s-cluster-%s-secgroup-%s", secGroupPrefix, clusterName, workerSuffix)

func getSecBastionGroupName(clusterName string) string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s-cluster-%s-secgroup-%s", secGroupPrefix, clusterName, bastionSuffix)

fdobrovolny commented 10 months ago


In cloud provider for OpenStack in load balancer following setting is set:

Load balancer

const (
    servicePrefix                       = "kube_service_"

func (lbaas *LbaasV2) GetLoadBalancerName(_ context.Context, clusterName string, service *corev1.Service) string {
    name := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s_%s_%s", servicePrefix, clusterName, service.Namespace, service.Name)
    return cpoutil.CutString255(name)


func getSecurityGroupName(service *corev1.Service) string {
    securityGroupName := fmt.Sprintf("lb-sg-%s-%s-%s", service.UID, service.Namespace, service.Name)
    //OpenStack requires that the name of a security group is shorter than 255 bytes.
    if len(securityGroupName) > 255 {
        securityGroupName = securityGroupName[:255]

    return securityGroupName

Floating IP

            floatIPOpts := floatingips.CreateOpts{
                FloatingNetworkID: svcConf.lbPublicNetworkID,
                PortID:            portID,
                Description:       fmt.Sprintf("Floating IP for Kubernetes external service %s from cluster %s", serviceName, clusterName),

fdobrovolny commented 10 months ago


chess-knight commented 10 months ago
  • I have not been able to find where PVCs get their names.

In the past, I created an issue yaook/k8s#465. It is not about PV names(the user specifies PVC names, and PV names look random(probably some request ID)) but their description and tags.

Each volume created by cinder CSI has description Created by OpenStack Cinder CSI driver. Also, the tag<cluster_name> is added there. We already set this value here. So in the volume metadata we can see property like'testcluster'. The same happens with volume snapshots.

jschoone commented 10 months ago

Let's split this in multiple tasks

chess-knight commented 6 months ago

After the ClusterClass feature #600, control-plane resources also lack $PREFIX. In this issue, it was marked as OK, but now it should be:

Because of this change, we had to also modify our full cleanup script, from grep $PREFIX-$CLUSTER_NAME to grep "$PREFIX-$CLUSTER_NAME\|$CLUSTER_NAME-control-plane" which is IMO not good.

Also, in the PR, the naming of control-plane resources will be reduced even more.

The naming of ClusterClass resources can be seen in the CAPI issue - we can also see, that machine deployment resources have no problem so far because, in the naming scheme, there is also {topology-name} which is in our case is "${PREFIX}-${CLUSTER_NAME}-md-0-no1".

The only way as far as I can see for now is to add a prefix to control-plane resources by changing the cluster name itself by adding of prefix there.

jschoone commented 2 weeks ago

I'll close this because it's related to KaaS v1 which will be deprecated after R7. Feel free to reopen, if I'm wrong

jschoone commented 3 days ago

I'll close this because it's related to KaaS v1 which will be deprecated after R7. Feel free to reopen, if I'm wrong

Just realized, I was wrong. We have the problem, that the name for the ingress-nginx loadbalancer is always the same and then it errors inside of openstack when there are more then one, related to this comment. @michal-gubricky please find out how to configure clusterName using Cluster API to avoid changing code upstream.

jschoone commented 2 days ago

Seems like this value will be enough to set.

michal-gubricky commented 2 days ago

Seems like this value will be enough to set.

I will take a look at it and test it.

michal-gubricky commented 2 days ago

Seems like this value will be enough to set.

I will take a look at it and test it.

After investigation, setting this variable should do the job. The cluster name is set to kubernetes by default via an environment variable. This can be seen, for example, by describing a pod of OCCM.

      CLOUD_CONFIG:  /etc/config/cloud.conf
      CLUSTER_NAME:  kubernetes

and can also be found in values.yaml