SoySauceLab / CollectionKit

Reimagining UICollectionView
MIT License
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How can I dynamically control the height of the view on each controller? #92

Closed hsuyelin closed 6 years ago

hsuyelin commented 6 years ago
  let examples: [(String, UIViewController.Type)] = [
    ("Horizontal Gallery", HorizontalGalleryViewController.self),
    ("Grid", GridViewController.self),
    ("Articles", ArticleExampleViewController.self),
    ("Reload", ReloadDataViewController.self),
    ("Reload Animation", ReloadAnimationViewController.self),
    ("Header", HeaderExampleViewController.self),
    ("Chat", MessagesViewController.self),
    ("Animators", AnimatorExampleViewController.self)

  override func viewDidLoad() {

    let examplesSection = BasicProvider(
      dataSource: ArrayDataSource(data: examples),
      viewSource: ClosureViewSource(viewUpdater: {
        (view: ExampleView, data: (String, UIViewController.Type), at: Int) in
        view.populate(title: data.0, contentViewControllerType: data.1)
      sizeSource: { (index, data, size) -> CGSize in
        // I want to control the height of each item here. If the data changes, it will change here by collectionView reloadData.
      layout: FlowLayout(lineSpacing: 30).inset(by: bodyInset)

    provider = ComposedProvider(sections: [
      LabelProvider(text: "CollectionKit", font: .boldSystemFont(ofSize: 38), insets: headerInset),
      LabelProvider(text: "A modern swift framework for building reusable collection view components.", font: .systemFont(ofSize: 20), insets: bodyInset),
      LabelProvider(text: "Examples", font: .boldSystemFont(ofSize: 30), insets: headerInset),
lkzhao commented 6 years ago

Not sure what your question meant. Why not just return your calculated size for each data? you can store some more attributes inside the examples array. maybe use a enum indicating how its size is calculated.