SpaceAdvocates / penny4nasa

We strive to increase NASA’s funding to 1% by encouraging popular support for NASA through education and outreach.
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Git Reports Issue #41

Closed josephspens closed 10 years ago

josephspens commented 10 years ago

Submitter: Geoff Lichy Email: Overall, the site looks great! It's well-done.

OS: Windows 7 Ultimate Browser: Chrome 34.0

  1. This page seems to be missing information:
  2. Thumbnails are iffy (auto-generated? they're different sizes and some are missing) with visual inconsistency along the left-hand side, but this is minor.
  3. Images are too large and are cut off (I did the graphic for this one and can edit/resize it pretty quickly if necessary) (I did the graphic for this one and can edit/resize it pretty quickly if necessary)
  4. Press kit PDF not found (probably just not uploaded here)
  5. Will there be a GitHub link on the main page when the website is deployed? Seems kind of weird to have available for the general public, if so.
  6. The FAQ page is listed under "About" and "Resources" - not sure if intentional, and may seem slightly redundant, but it makes sense and fits visually.
  7. Very minor visual thing: for the "Penny4NASA" header in the upper left, is it possible to move the "4NASA" part slightly more to the left? The space between the Y and 4 is a hair too much, but I don't think more than a few people will ever notice. It's probably fine as-is. And when you hover over it, have you tried making the 4 blue? It could be interesting to have the colors flip instead of making the entire thing red. But that's just a thought which may not work out -- not a recommendation or error in any way.
  8. The graph on the main page doesn't show absolutely everything on mobile devices, but it shows enough to get the point across.
josephspens commented 10 years ago
  1. Resolved
  2. Thumbnails will look better when the posts actually have thumbnails.
  3. Resolved
  4. Reported in #44
  5. Reported in #42
  6. Resolved
  7. Not a bug
  8. Not a bug