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Wandering Trader always sends error message on first join, always requires 5 non rare, and one rare trade even when not removing trades #11

Closed LincStoel closed 4 months ago

LincStoel commented 5 months ago

Issue description in title. I am on 1.19.2 and CVT 19.22 and receive this error when trying to add one wandering trader trade:

[16:52:48] [Server thread/ERROR]: CVT MESSAGE: There is a problem with a trade config file! Source: Local Config file, Profession: wanderer
[16:52:48] [Server thread/WARN]: CVT MESSAGE: You must have at least 5 'not-rare' trades for the wanderer!
[16:52:48] [Server thread/WARN]: CVT MESSAGE: You must have at least 1 'rare' trade for the wanderer!

Here is my JSON for the wanderer:

  "profession": "wanderer",
  "removeOtherTrades": false,
  "trades": [
          "isRare": false,
          "multiOffer": [
                  "itemKey": "endrem:black_eye",
                  "amount": 1
                  "itemKey": "endrem:cold_eye",
                  "amount": 1
                  "itemKey": "endrem:corrupted_eye",
                  "amount": 1
          "request": {
              "itemKey": "minecraft:emerald",
              "amount": 12
          "additionalRequest": {
              "itemKey": "minecraft:ender_eye",
              "amount": 1
          "tradeExp": 15,
          "maxUses": 1,
          "priceMultiplier": 0,
          "demand": 0

I've validated the JSON, and I've tried starting from scratch with the examples too.

When i add more trades the error goes away when i /reloadCVT in game, and the trades will work correctly, but i still get the same error in the chat when i join the world.

SpaceCat97 commented 5 months ago

Found the issue, this will be fixed in the next release.

SpaceCat97 commented 4 months ago

Fixed in version 23 for all LTS versions