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CVT Workers conflict/incompatibility #14

Closed AusPakeha closed 5 months ago

AusPakeha commented 5 months ago

Minecraft version: 1.20.1

Mod version:20.22.0

Mod-Loader: (fabric/forge) Forge

Description: Conflict between CVT and Villager Workers mod known? Not sure if it's an actual conflict, but it is overwriting some professions and i don't think CVT is picking up on that.

Response by Workers dev:

talhanation — Today at 4:28 PM worker villagers are puppets they cant trade

Steps to reproduce: Exporting professions with /exportCVT shows "profession": workers:----" instead of "profession": minecraft:----"

Log: no log

SpaceCat97 commented 5 months ago

The dev of "Villager Workers" states that villager workers are puppets and cant trade. This issue is not caused by CVT.