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[Idea] [ASB] Dimension Conditions and Tag Support #17

Closed Z3R0Presence closed 3 months ago

Z3R0Presence commented 4 months ago

Just a suggestion to add support for conditions based on dimensions, similar to biomes, the support of tags within conditions / ItemKeys and a flying condition / InAir condition.

eg. "conditions": [ { "type": "inBiome", "extra": "#minecraft:is_jungle" } ]

"conditions": [ { "type": "inDimension", "extra": "minecraft:the_nether" } ]

"conditions": [ { "type": "inAir" } ]

"conditions": [ { "type": "isFlying" } ]

If any of these are possible already (outside of just adding tons of bonuses), just tell me how lol

Z3R0Presence commented 4 months ago

In addition to this, maybe even detriments if the condition is not met (although this could technically already be performed by just making conditions with negative effects)

SpaceCat97 commented 3 months ago

Accepted features:

Refused features:

The accepted features will be available in version 13.