SpaceCat97 / SpaceCats-Wikis

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[ASB] (Suggestion) Add an optional "interval" timer to permanent potion set effects, as well as an optional "cooldown" to attack/interact effects #40

Closed LynxGrimbane closed 3 weeks ago

LynxGrimbane commented 1 month ago

1.) For my first suggestion, I think it'd greatly diversity the options/choices in armor for modpacks in ways such as:

2.) For my second suggestion, I believe this option would allow for better balancing/fine tuning kits.

The mod is still great as is but I do hope these features are possible to implement!

SpaceCat97 commented 3 weeks ago

I will not be adding timers to effects. My reasoning is because the mod is already rather resource-demanding and adding in timers will make it even more so.