SpaceGroupUCL / depthmapX

depthmapX is a multi-platform Spatial Network Analysis Software
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cli SEGMENT analysis seems not to work with -st, "tulip" #342

Closed joint-ventura closed 4 years ago

joint-ventura commented 4 years ago


I´ve been trying to do some segment analysis with DepthmapXcli (in python) and cant get -st, "tulip" to work (the other types of analysis angular, metric, etc do work)... Any ideia or working example...Thanks


pklampros commented 4 years ago

Hi @joint-ventura,

What error are you getting? It should be displayed when you execute the command before all the help text.

Here's an example with the barnsbury_extended1_segment.graph from the testdata directory:

 ./depthmapXcli -f barnsbury_extended1_segment.graph -o out.graph -m SEGMENT -st tulip -sr "n, 10" -srt metric -stb 1024
joint-ventura commented 4 years ago


so sorry, it was a typo in a flag... Everything working now, no problem. Thanks,