SpaceGroupUCL / depthmapX

depthmapX is a multi-platform Spatial Network Analysis Software
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Angular segment analysis from depthmapXcli #79

Open RvDijk opened 7 years ago

RvDijk commented 7 years ago


Is there any documentation on running depthmapX from the command line interface? I'm not able to find how to run a angular segment analysis on a graph. I assumed that it is within the VGA mode, but it is not entirely clear to me. Furthermore, I need to configure it such that it uses the include choice (betweenness) option, takes metric as a radius type and provide a radius e.g. n. Now I run something like: depthmapXcli -m VGA -f /data/segmented.graph -vm metric -vr 1 -o /data/segmented_analyzed.graph or depthmapXcli -m VGA -f /data/segmented.graph -vm angular -o /data/segmented_analyzed.graph However both result in a segmentation fault. Any help is appreciated.

Note that I need it to run using the cli, so the Gui is not an option.

RvDijk commented 7 years ago

It seems that PointMap& getDisplayedPointMap() in salalib/pointdata.h is giving me the segmentation fault..

pklampros commented 7 years ago

Hi RvDijk,

The VGA is an analysis carried out on a pointmap, a set of inter-visible points. It's not for analysis of lines (axial and segment). We thus need to put a proper error there to tell you that there's no pointmap in your file...

As for the angular analysis, it seems that it's just not exposed to the CLI...

RvDijk commented 7 years ago

Hi @orange-vertex,

Thanks for the quick reply. I'm sorry for the confusion, I don't have actual understanding of the program. I need to run some really time consuming analyses (150-200 hours) for someone else. Therefore running it without a graphical interface makes it possible to run it on a cluster (that does not have support for graphical interfaces). I assumed that the angular analysis was present under the VGA mode, since it mentioned angular and metric. Is the angular analysis being implemented in the CLI in the near future?

Also, I did find some parts where prefvec or methods of it still are used instead of std::vector, that atleast solved the segmentation error and gave me a regular error. If you are interested, I can push it in a PR.

pklampros commented 7 years ago

Ah I see.. Well, I'm not sure when the cli version of the segment analysis will be implemented; you are welcome (as always) to take a look into the dethmapXcli module and expose it yourself!

prefvec and other parts of the paftl library are still deeply weaved in the software and it's a long fight to replace them with the STL equivalents. Yes, of course you are welcome to create a pull request, and we'll take a look! Ideally you'll also provide the relevant tests to make sure your code does not change the end result!