SpaceGroupUCL / qgisSpaceSyntaxToolkit

Space Syntax Toolkit for QGIS
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Issues with spatialite on windows #166

Open joaoponceleao opened 6 years ago

joaoponceleao commented 6 years ago


SST does not complete the graph analysis when using spatialite as a target. Specifically, it will run all the analysis on depthmapXnet, complete it, but fails somewhere either in the import stage or post-processing stage. The depthmap analysis results do get written to their 'log' files in the depthmap folder. I have seen this issue on a windows 7, and on a AWS (I believe they use windows server 2008) machine. Both running QGIS (2.18) and dependencies installed via OSGeo4W.

This only seems to happen with big datasets (the resulting spatialite file would be around 200mb). One can see that there is something wrong however, without running the analysis: When choosing the 'Data Store' in SST, upon choosing 'Personal geodatabase', QGIS hangs for a few minutes. If one looks at the target folder chosen for the spatialite database, you can see the file size of the database increase at a rate of aprox. 10KB/s until it reaches it usual size of around 5mb. So there must be something not quite right with the way QGIS or SST is handling spatialite. The above issue of an incomplete analysis also happens if I point SST to a spatialite file previously done on the Mac version.

There is no issue on the mac version.

jorgegil commented 6 years ago

Thanks for pointing out this problem. Spatialite has not been so extensively tested on the Windows platform. And if it works on Mac but not on Windows, since the SST code is exactly the same, I suspect it's some problem with the Windows Spatialite implementation. But could be something else...

To Windows users, I can only suggest using one of the other formats: shape file for small projects, and PostGIS for large ones.