SpaceGroupUCL / qgisSpaceSyntaxToolkit

Space Syntax Toolkit for QGIS
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Glossary of terms and abbreviations #190

Closed Intuos5 closed 2 years ago

Intuos5 commented 2 years ago

Is there some sort of glossary, documentation or are there research papers available that addresses the specific abbreviations used within the Space Syntax toolkit? I find the 5 letter names quite cryptic despite having read plenty of literature on the subject. For me and other new users, it would be a big help if these could be found more easily from the Github page. To give an examples of these abbreviations: INThh, INTpv, INTtk, INTEN, NC, ra, ra[penn] rra, reIENT and CH.

Would it perhaps be possible to adopt the Geopackage file format so that the full names could be used instead of the abbreviations (due to shapefile character restrictions)? But for now any help on the naming would already be sufficient.

pklampros commented 2 years ago

Hey @Intuos5, what you have there is the metrics calculated from depthmapX, as they are passed through a replacement table. You can get the metrics by opening a map in depthmapX and carrying out axial analysis with all options selected and Line Length as the weighting column.

depthmapX toolkit
Ref ref
Choice CH
Choice [Line Length Wgt] CH[LEN]
Choice [Line Length Wgt][Norm] CH[LEN]nor
Choice [Norm] CHnorm
Connectivity Conn
Control control
Controllability CONTR
Entropy ENT
Harmonic Mean Depth harMD
Integration [HH] INThh
Integration [P-value] INTpv
Integration [Tekl] INTtk
Intensity INTEN
Line Length LEN
Mean Depth MD
Mean Depth [Line Length Wgt] MD[LEN]
Node Count NC
RA ra
RA [Penn] ra[penn]
RRA rra
Relativised Entropy relNT
Total Depth TD
Total Line Length TLEN
Intuos5 commented 2 years ago
