Open aefreedman opened 7 years ago
in dismissplayergroup.sqf the penalty for dismissing a unit is 50% in SP and 100% in MP
_hr = 0; _resourcesFIA = 0; _items = []; _municion = []; _armas = []; {_unit = _x; if ((alive _unit) and (not(_x getVariable "inconsciente"))) then { _resourcesFIA = _resourcesFIA + (server getVariable (typeOf _unit)); _hr = _hr +1; {if (not(([_x] call BIS_fnc_baseWeapon) in unlockedWeapons)) then {_armas pushBack ([_x] call BIS_fnc_baseWeapon)}} forEach weapons _unit; {if (not(_x in unlockedMagazines)) then {_municion pushBack _x}} forEach magazines _unit; _items = _items + (items _unit) + (primaryWeaponItems _unit) + (assignedItems _unit) + (secondaryWeaponItems _unit); }; deleteVehicle _x; } forEach units _nuevogrp; if (!isMultiplayer) then {_nul = [_hr,_resourcesFIA/2] remoteExec ["resourcesFIA",2];} else {_nul = [_hr,0] remoteExec ["resourcesFIA",2]; [_resourcesFIA/2] call resourcesPlayer};
IMO the game should scale based on number of players, and SP/MP should only be different as far as the engine requires.
So a 1player SP game should be the same as a 1player MP game.
the penalty for dismissing a unit is 50% in SP and 100% in MP