SpaceHunnies / spacehunnies-test.Tanoa

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Military Influence #4

Open nateberkopec opened 7 years ago

nateberkopec commented 7 years ago
nateberkopec commented 7 years ago
// Get and draw influence circles
_taor = ["TAOR_ISLAND"]; 
_clusters = ALIVE_clustersCivSettlement select 2; 
_clusters = [_clusters] call ALIVE_fnc_copyClusters; 
_clusters = [_clusters, _taor] call ALIVE_fnc_clustersInsideMarker; 

_sideData = [_clusters, { 
  _center = [_x,"center"] call ALIVE_fnc_hashGet; 
  _size = [_x, "size"] call ALIVE_fnc_hashGet; 
  _id = [_x,"clusterID"] call ALIVE_fnc_hashGet; 
  _faction = [_center, _size] call ALiVE_fnc_getDominantFaction; 
  _side = [_faction] call ALiVE_fnc_factionSide;
}, true] call CBA_fnc_filter; 

MissionMarkers = []; 
hint str (_sideData); 
  _cluster = _x; 
  _m = createMarker [format["marker_%1",_cluster select 0],_cluster select 1];  
  _m setMarkerShape "Ellipse";  
  _m setMarkerSize [_cluster select 2, _cluster select 2]; 
  _m setMarkerText (_cluster select 0); 
  _m setMarkerBrush "Solid";
  _m setMarkerAlpha 1;
  _side = _cluster select 3;
  _color = switch (_side) do { 
    case EAST: { "ColorEAST" }; 
    case WEST: { "ColorWEST" }; 
    case RESISTANCE: { "ColorGUER" }; 
    case CIV: { "ColorCIV" }; 
    default { "ColorUNKNOWN" };
  _m setMarkerColor _color; 

  MissionMarkers pushBack _m; 
} forEach _sideData;
HeroesandvillainsOS commented 7 years ago

This is very ambitious and would be a lovely addition to ALiVE. Keep up the good work. Assuming the implementation of these features works well when tested, I'd love to see them supported organically (not sure if the goal here is official implementation or user applied script implementation).

HeroesandvillainsOS commented 7 years ago

Oh sorry, my apologies. I thought this was the official ALiVE Github.

nateberkopec commented 7 years ago

Ha! No problem. Once we get it up and running, we'd be happy to contribute it back to ALiVE anyway :D

HeroesandvillainsOS commented 7 years ago

Lol ok cool. I thought I embarrassed myself but we can just consider my post a feature request. :)

Keep up the good work.