SpaceNetChallenge / SpaceNet7_Multi-Temporal_Solutions

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Building lxastro0 docker image fails on shapely error in solaris environment-gpu.yml #1

Open MarcCoru opened 3 years ago

MarcCoru commented 3 years ago

Dear Spacenet Team,

Thank you for providing the code, environment and modelweights for the best solutions to the SpaceNet 7 challenge. I tried to build the Dockerfile of lxastro0, but could not build the docker image successfully.

I experienced this error on two machines (with GPUs) and also tried to replace the solaris master branch to v0.4.0 with the same error. From the error message, it seems that some shapely dependency in environment-gpu.yml fails.

Can you reproduce this error? If not, could you point me towards steps to fix this? maybe by modifying the environment.yml?

Thank you for your work,

Steps to reproduce are:

git clone
cd SpaceNet7_Multi-Temporal_Solutions/1-lxastro0/code
docker build -t sn7hrnet . 


Step 13/28 : RUN git clone &&     cd solaris &&     git checkout ${solaris_branch} &&     conda env create -f environment-gpu.yml
 ---> Running in 10d627c59851
Installing pip dependencies: ...working... Ran pip subprocess with arguments:
['/opt/conda/envs/solaris/bin/python', '-m', 'pip', 'install', '-U', '-r', '/tmp/solaris/condaenv.5f261det.requirements.txt']
Pip subprocess output:
Collecting shapely-1.7.1dev
  Cloning (to revision master) to /tmp/pip-install-fw3x0n_s/shapely-1-7-1dev_7dde75f8c298464584e9c8a44cba305b

Pip subprocess error:
  Running command git clone -q /tmp/pip-install-fw3x0n_s/shapely-1-7-1dev_7dde75f8c298464584e9c8a44cba305b
  WARNING: Generating metadata for package shapely-1.7.1dev produced metadata for project name shapely. Fix your #egg=shapely-1.7.1dev fragments.
WARNING: Discarding git+ Requested shapely from git+ (from -r /tmp/solaris/condaenv.5f261det.requirements.txt (line 1)) has inconsistent name: filename has 'shapely-1-7-1dev', but metadata has 'Shapely'
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement shapely-1-7-1dev (unavailable)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for shapely-1-7-1dev (unavailable)

CondaEnvException: Pip failed

The command '/bin/bash -c git clone &&     cd solaris &&     git checkout ${solaris_branch} &&     conda env create -f environment-gpu.yml' returned a non-zero code: 1
avanetten commented 3 years ago

Just updated environment_gpu.yml within Solaris. Hopefully this will fix your issue.

MarcCoru commented 3 years ago

it worked now! thanks