SpaceNetLab / StarPerf_Simulator

``Newspace'' mega-constellations, such as StarLink and OneWeb are gaining tremendous popularity, with the promising potential to provide high-capacity and low-latency communication globally. However, very little is know about the architecture and performance of such emerging systems, the workload they have to face, as well as the impact of topological options on the attainable network performance.
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Question:Does Starperf support dynamic topology creation? #5

Open jianjian0817 opened 1 month ago

jianjian0817 commented 1 month ago

Thank you so much for your solid work and open source contributions!

I found that the constellation_connectivity module establishes fixed ISLs. Although the distance of the ISLs changed, the satellites connection relationship is determined. I wonder if Starperf can generate a dynamic topology control strategy (ISL establishment strategy), i.e. the connection relationship between satellites can change at different time slots (according to some topology control strategy, like papers [1] or [2] or [3]). If possible, can you give me a little idea about how to Implement it based on Starperf ?

[1]Dynamic topology control in optical satellite networks based on algebraic connectivity, [J] Acta Astronautica [2]Enabling High-connectivity LEO Satellite Networks via Encountering Inter-Satellite Links, [C] 2023 Global Communications Conference [3]Inter-Plane Inter-Satellite Connectivity in Dense LEO Constellations, [J] IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS

yunanhou2023 commented 2 days ago

Hello! All the features in starperf come in the form of plug-ins. The current starperf implements +grid in the ISL module. If you want to implement what you call a dynamic topology, you can write your own plug-in to implement it, see interface_convention.pdf for details