SpaceTradersAPI / api-docs

The API documentation for the SpaceTraders API
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potential refactor in a section on how to generate a client library #17

Open dmitrij-schmidt opened 1 year ago

dmitrij-schmidt commented 1 year ago

if somebody would like to skip API client generation step and hop straight to game client development, more explicit step on how to generate an API client may be useful:

  1. visit
  2. head to SpaceTraders API, on the top right side Export -> Bundled references(!). copy resulting URL
  3. run curl -X GET "" -H "Accept: */*", pick whatever language/framework you need
  4. run curl -X POST -H "content-type:application/json" -d '{"openAPIUrl":"LINK_TO_BUNDLED_JSON"}'
  5. download package from the link provided to curl request

NOTE: if you want to try it with JS/TS or other languages potentially not supported by OpenAPI generator, copy JSON content from step 2, paste it into and select Generate Client option in the top menu.

space-admiral commented 1 year ago

This looks great, we'll add this to the docs under client generation.

galdor commented 1 year ago

I cannot find any "Export" or "Bundled references" entry anywhere on, did something change?

It would be useful to add a direct link to a single-file OpenAPI specification (lots of OpenAPI tools do not work well with references between multiple files) in the documentation.


Found it! It is available at

Careful, the "v1" on Stoplight is actually the "v2" of SpaceTraders.

jonchurch commented 1 year ago

Hey specifically the snippet on the docs site for generating a client does not work anymore with openapi-generator-cli, their v2 version has a different name.

I didn't see the source anywhere for this specific doc page though?

This command can be updated to:

# # Execute the openapi-generator-cli using npx (requires that Node.js is installed)
# npx openapi-generator-cli generate \
#  # Set the input file URL containing the OpenAPI specification JSON
#  # you can also point it to a local input file, but this makes sure we get
#  # the latest version every time we run this command
#  -i \
#  # Set the output directory for the generated SDK
#  -o packages/spacetraders-sdk \
#  # Set the generator type to generate the TypeScript-Axios client
#  # (find the desired language/HTTP client combo at
#  -g typescript-axios \
#  # The rest of these "additional-properties" are arguments passed to the specific generator you selected above
#  # see the docs for your selected generator for information about additonal-properties
#  # Set the npm package name to "spacetraders-sdk"
#  --additional-properties=npmName="spacetraders-sdk" \
#  # Set the npm package version to "2.0.0"
#  --additional-properties=npmVersion="2.0.0" \
#  # Enable ES6 support in the generated SDK
#  --additional-properties=supportsES6=true \
#  # Generate separate files for models and API
#  --additional-properties=withSeparateModelsAndApi=true \
#  # Set the package name for models
#  --additional-properties=modelPackage="models" \
#  # Set the package name for API
#  --additional-properties=apiPackage="api"
npx openapi-generator-cli generate \
 -i \
 -o packages/spacetraders-sdk \
 -g typescript-axios \
 --additional-properties=npmName="spacetraders-sdk" \
 --additional-properties=npmVersion="2.0.0" \
 --additional-properties=supportsES6=true \
 --additional-properties=withSeparateModelsAndApi=true \
 --additional-properties=modelPackage="models" \

The diff is:

jonchurch commented 1 year ago

The example code at the bottom of the OpenAPI section of the docs is using a v1 spacetraders client btw (but I also think the code example is incorrect, it exports a class not named exports)

import axios from 'axios'
import {
} from 'spacetraders-sdk'

export const configuration = new Configuration({
  basePath: process.env.BASE_PATH,
  accessToken: process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN

export const instance = axios.create({})

// example retry logic for 429 rate-limit errors
instance.interceptors.response.use(undefined, async (error) => {
  const apiError = error.response?.data?.error

  if (error.response?.status === 429) {
    const retryAfter = error.response.headers['retry-after']

    await new Promise((resolve) => {
      setTimeout(resolve, retryAfter * 1000)

    return instance.request(error.config)

  throw error

const system = new SystemsApi(configuration, undefined, instance)


It could be swapped out for a community member's axios based openapi generated client.

The code would be almost the same except for the last line:

system.getSystems().then((response) => console.log(

The example code is a bit superfluous, doesn't need to export the configuration object or the axios instance, that endpoint no longer requires auth, and there's not a real reason for a user in a quickstart guide to reset the base path.