SpaceVim / SpaceVim

A modular Vim/Neovim configuration
GNU General Public License v3.0
20.28k stars 1.42k forks source link

E344: Can't find directory "*" in cdpath #1581

Closed ethe closed 6 years ago

ethe commented 6 years ago

The reproduce ways from Vim starting (Required!)

Open the directory which includes .git/ folder.

Debug info

SpaceVim Options :

g:spacevim_statusline_left_sections = ['winnr', 'filename', 'major mode', 'syntax checking', 'minor mode lighters']
g:spacevim_enable_statusline_display_mode = 0
g:spacevim_enable_os_fileformat_icon = 1
g:spacevim_leader_guide_position = 'botright'
g:spacevim_version = '0.8.0-dev'
g:spacevim_force_global_config = 0
g:spacevim_smartcloseignoreft = ['help', 'tagbar', 'vimfiler', 'SpaceVimRunner', 'SpaceVimREPL', 'SpaceVimQuickFix', 'HelpDescribe', 'VebuggerShell', 'VebuggerTerminal']
g:spacevim_default_indent = 2
g:spacevim_enable_javacomplete2_py = 0
g:spacevim_enable_powerline_fonts = 1
g:spacevim_statusline_separator = 'arrow'
g:spacevim_enable_language_specific_leader = 1
g:spacevim_simple_mode = 0
g:spacevim_colorscheme = 'gruvbox'
g:spacevim_enable_guicolors = 1
g:spacevim_custom_plugins = []
g:spacevim_leader_guide_submode_mappings = {'<C-C>': 'win_close'}
g:spacevim_buffer_index_type = 1
g:spacevim_hiddenfileinfo = 1
g:spacevim_statusline_inactive_separator = 'arrow'
g:spacevim_gitcommit_pr_icon = ''
g:spacevim_plugin_manager = 'dein'
g:spacevim_error_symbol = '✖'
g:spacevim_vim_plug_installed = 0
g:spacevim_windows_smartclose = 'q'
g:spacevim_windows_leader = 's'
g:spacevim_wildignore = '*/tmp/*,*.so,*.swp,*.zip,*.class,tags,*.jpg,*.ttf,*.TTF,*.png,*/target/*,.git,.svn,.hg,.DS_Store,*.svg'
g:spacevim_enable_ale = 0
g:spacevim_enable_insert_leader = 1
g:spacevim_leader_guide_default_group_name = ''
g:spacevim_enable_cursorcolumn = 0
g:spacevim_colorscheme_bg = 'dark'
g:spacevim_enable_neocomplcache = 0
g:spacevim_leader_guide_sort_horizontal = 0
g:spacevim_enable_vimfiler_welcome = 1
g:spacevim_max_column = 120
g:spacevim_enable_debug = 1
g:spacevim_enable_key_frequency = 0
g:spacevim_auto_disable_touchpad = 1
g:spacevim_vim_help_language = 'en'
g:spacevim_gitcommit_issue_icon = ''
g:spacevim_lint_on_save = 1
g:spacevim_dein_installed = 1
g:spacevim_autocomplete_method = 'asyncomplete'
g:spacevim_enable_vimfiler_filetypeicon = 0
g:spacevim_plugin_manager_max_processes = 16
g:spacevim_statusline_unicode_symbols = 1
g:spacevim_statusline_right_sections = ['fileformat', 'cursorpos', 'percentage']
g:spacevim_unite_leader = '\f'
g:spacevim_enable_ycm = 0
g:spacevim_enable_tabline_filetype_icon = 1
g:spacevim_colorscheme_default = 'desert'
g:spacevim_project_rooter_automatically = 1
g:spacevim_neobundle_installed = 0
g:spacevim_disabled_plugins = []
g:spacevim_leader_guide_max_size = 0
g:spacevim_guifont = 'Knack\ Regular\ Nerd\ Font\ Complete:h15'
g:spacevim_info_symbol = 'ⓘ'
g:spacevim_leader_guide_flatten = 1
g:spacevim_sidebar_width = 30
g:spacevim_enable_googlesuggest = 0
g:spacevim_enable_neomake = 1
g:spacevim_plugin_bundle_dir = '/Users/chris/.cache/vimfiles/'
g:spacevim_leader_guide_run_map_on_popup = 1
g:spacevim_relativenumber = 1
g:spacevim_warning_symbol = '⚠'
g:spacevim_smartcloseignorewin = ['__Tagbar__', 'vimfiler:default']
g:spacevim_terminal_cursor_shape = 2
g:spacevim_altmoveignoreft = ['Tagbar', 'vimfiler']
g:spacevim_keep_server_alive = 1
g:spacevim_snippet_engine = 'neosnippet'
g:spacevim_project_rooter_patterns = ['.git/', '_darcs/', '.hg/', '.bzr/', '.svn/']
g:spacevim_search_tools = ['rg', 'ag', 'pt', 'ack', 'grep']
g:spacevim_github_username = ''
g:spacevim_leader_guide_hspace = 5
g:spacevim_realtime_leader_guide = 1
g:spacevim_denite_leader = 'F'
g:spacevim_leader_guide_vertical = 0
g:spacevim_checkinstall = 1
g:spacevim_windows_index_type = 0
g:spacevim_filetype_icons = {}
g:spacevim_plugin_name = 'ctrlp-register'
g:spacevim_enable_cursorline = 1
g:spacevim_custom_color_palette = []
g:spacevim_lint_on_the_fly = 0
g:spacevim_debug_level = 1
g:spacevim_hosts_url = ''
g:spacevim_language = ''
g:spacevim_filemanager = 'vimfiler'
g:spacevim_src_root = 'E:\sources\'
g:spacevim_enable_vimfiler_gitstatus = 0

SpaceVim Health checking :

SpaceVim clipboard support check report: Checking +clipboard: SUCCEED! SpaceVim environment check report: Current progpath: vim(/usr/local/bin/vim) version: 800 OS: OSX [shell, shellcmdflag, shellslash]: ['/bin/zsh', '-c', 0] SpaceVim lua support check report: Checking +lua: Failed : to support +lua, you need recompile your vim with +lua support. SpaceVim python support check report: Checking +python3: SUCCEED! Checking +python: Failed : to support +python, Please install vim-gik, or build from sources.

SpaceVim runtime log :

[ SpaceVim ] : logger file  does not exists, only log for current process will be shown!
[ SpaceVim ] [12:03:39] [ Info ] Skip glob configration of SpaceVim
[ SpaceVim ] [12:03:40] [ Info ] Find project root('.git/','/Users/chris/Work/eus/'):/Users/chris/Work/eus/.git/
[ SpaceVim ] [12:03:40] [ Info ] change to root:/Users/chris/Work/eus
[ SpaceVim ] [12:03:40] [ Info ] change to root:/Users/chris/Work/eus


wsdjeg commented 6 years ago

I can reproduce it, Thanks for you reporting.

ethe commented 6 years ago

I updated spacevim but still get the error.

wsdjeg commented 6 years ago

@ethe what is the reproduce step? I fount I can not get the error in master branch.

ethe commented 6 years ago

Reproduce steps

 ↳ mkdir test
 ↳ cd test && git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/chris/test/.git/
 ↳ cd .. && vim test




SpaceVim Options :

g:spacevim_statusline_left_sections = ['winnr', 'filename', 'major mode', 'syntax checking', 'minor mode lighters']
g:spacevim_enable_statusline_display_mode = 0
g:spacevim_enable_os_fileformat_icon = 1
g:spacevim_leader_guide_position = 'botright'
g:spacevim_version = '0.8.0-dev'
g:spacevim_force_global_config = 0
g:spacevim_smartcloseignoreft = ['tagbar', 'vimfiler', 'SpaceVimRunner', 'SpaceVimREPL', 'SpaceVimQuickFix', 'HelpDesc
ribe', 'VebuggerShell', 'VebuggerTerminal']
g:spacevim_default_indent = 2
g:spacevim_enable_javacomplete2_py = 0
g:spacevim_enable_powerline_fonts = 1
g:spacevim_statusline_separator = 'arrow'
g:spacevim_enable_language_specific_leader = 1
g:spacevim_simple_mode = 0
g:spacevim_colorscheme = 'onedark'
g:spacevim_expand_tab = 1
g:spacevim_enable_guicolors = 1
g:spacevim_custom_plugins = [['fatih/molokai']]
g:spacevim_leader_guide_submode_mappings = {'<C-C>': 'win_close'}
g:spacevim_buffer_index_type = 1
g:spacevim_hiddenfileinfo = 1
g:spacevim_statusline_inactive_separator = 'arrow'
g:spacevim_gitcommit_pr_icon = ''
g:spacevim_plugin_manager = 'dein'
g:spacevim_error_symbol = '✖'
g:spacevim_vim_plug_installed = 0
g:spacevim_windows_smartclose = 'q'
g:spacevim_windows_leader = 's'
g:spacevim_wildignore = '*/tmp/*,*.so,*.swp,*.zip,*.class,tags,*.jpg,*.ttf,*.TTF,*.png,*/target/*,.git,.svn,.hg,.DS_St
g:spacevim_enable_ale = 0
g:spacevim_leader_guide_default_group_name = ''
g:spacevim_enable_cursorcolumn = 0
g:spacevim_colorscheme_bg = 'dark'
g:spacevim_enable_neocomplcache = 0
g:spacevim_leader_guide_sort_horizontal = 0
g:spacevim_enable_vimfiler_welcome = 1
g:spacevim_max_column = 80
g:spacevim_enable_debug = 1
g:spacevim_enable_insert_leader = 1
g:spacevim_enable_key_frequency = 0
g:spacevim_auto_disable_touchpad = 1
g:spacevim_vim_help_language = 'en'
g:spacevim_gitcommit_issue_icon = ''
g:spacevim_lint_on_save = 1
g:spacevim_search_tools = ['rg', 'ag', 'pt', 'ack', 'grep']
g:spacevim_dein_installed = 1
g:spacevim_autocomplete_method = 'asyncomplete'
g:spacevim_enable_vimfiler_filetypeicon = 0
g:spacevim_plugin_manager_max_processes = 16
g:spacevim_statusline_unicode_symbols = 1
g:spacevim_statusline_right_sections = ['fileformat', 'cursorpos', 'percentage']
g:spacevim_unite_leader = '\f'
g:spacevim_enable_ycm = 0
g:spacevim_enable_tabline_filetype_icon = 1
g:spacevim_colorscheme_default = 'desert'
g:spacevim_project_rooter_automatically = 1
g:spacevim_neobundle_installed = 0
g:spacevim_disabled_plugins = []
g:spacevim_leader_guide_max_size = 0
g:spacevim_guifont = 'Knack\ Regular\ Nerd\ Font\ Complete:h15'
g:spacevim_info_symbol = 'ⓘ'
g:spacevim_leader_guide_flatten = 1
g:spacevim_sidebar_width = 30
g:spacevim_enable_googlesuggest = 0
g:spacevim_enable_neomake = 1
g:spacevim_plugin_bundle_dir = '/Users/chris/.cache/vimfiles/'
g:spacevim_leader_guide_run_map_on_popup = 1
g:spacevim_relativenumber = 1
g:spacevim_warning_symbol = '⚠'
g:spacevim_smartcloseignorewin = ['__Tagbar__', 'vimfiler:default']
g:spacevim_realtime_leader_guide = 1
g:spacevim_terminal_cursor_shape = 2
g:spacevim_altmoveignoreft = ['Tagbar', 'vimfiler']
g:spacevim_keep_server_alive = 1
g:spacevim_snippet_engine = 'neosnippet'
g:spacevim_leader_guide_vertical = 0
g:spacevim_project_rooter_patterns = ['.git/', '_darcs/', '.hg/', '.bzr/', '.svn/']
g:spacevim_github_username = ''
g:spacevim_leader_guide_hspace = 5
g:spacevim_denite_leader = 'F'
g:spacevim_checkinstall = 1
g:spacevim_windows_index_type = 0
g:spacevim_filetype_icons = {}
g:spacevim_plugin_name = 'vim-hybrid'
g:spacevim_enable_cursorline = 1
g:spacevim_custom_color_palette = []
g:spacevim_lint_on_the_fly = 0
g:spacevim_debug_level = 1
g:spacevim_hosts_url = ''
g:spacevim_language = ''
g:spacevim_filemanager = 'vimfiler'
g:spacevim_src_root = 'E:\sources\'
g:spacevim_enable_vimfiler_gitstatus = 0

SpaceVim Health checking :

SpaceVim clipboard support check report: Checking +clipboard: SUCCEED! SpaceVim environment check report: Current progpath: vim(/usr/local/bin/vim) version: 800 OS: OSX [shell, shellcmdflag, shellslash]: ['/bin/zsh', '-c', 0] SpaceVim lua support check report: Checking +lua: Failed : to support +lua, you need recompile your vim with +lua support. SpaceVim python support check report: Checking +python3: SUCCEED! Checking +python: Failed : to support +python, Please install vim-gik, or build from sources.

SpaceVim runtime log :

[ SpaceVim ] : logger file  does not exists, only log for current process will be shown!
[ SpaceVim ] [11:56:51] [ Info ] Skip glob configuration of SpaceVim
[ SpaceVim ] [11:56:52] [ Info ] Find project root('.git/','/Users/chris/test/'):/Users/chris/test/.git/
[ SpaceVim ] [11:56:52] [ Info ] change to root:/Users/chris/test
[ SpaceVim ] [11:56:52] [ Info ] change to root:/Users/chris/test

Other Informations

 ↳ which vim
vim: aliased to /usr/local/bin/vim

SpaceVim Version

SpaceVim 0.8.0-dev-d6cb7ccc

wsdjeg commented 6 years ago

Thanks, nice step, I will have a try tonight.

wsdjeg commented 6 years ago

I can not reproduce it in master branch.

wsdjeg commented 6 years ago

you should not use cd .. && vim test, please split these step, use:

cd ..
vim test