Closed jscolaire closed 1 year ago
you need to run :SPDebugInfo!
after open todomanager, I can not see any info about todo manager.
Here SPDebuginfo with Todo manager open
<details><summary> SpaceVim debug information </summary>
### SpaceVim options :
auto_disable_touchpad = 1
autocomplete_method = 'asyncomplete'
autocomplete_parens = 1
bootstrap_before = 'myspacevim#before'
buffer_index_type = 4
checkinstall = 1
code_runner_focus = 0
colorscheme = 'nord'
colorscheme_bg = 'dark'
colorscheme_default = 'desert'
commandline_prompt = '>'
custom_color_palette = []
custom_plugins = [['Glench/Vim-Jinja2-Syntax', {'repo': 'Glench/Vim-Jinja2-Syntax', 'merged': 0, 'overwrite': 1}]]
data_dir = '/home/ac/.cache/'
debug_level = 1
default_custom_leader = '<Space>'
default_indent = 2
disabled_plugins = []
enable_bepo_layout = 0
enable_cursorcolumn = 0
enable_cursorline = 1
enable_debug = 0
enable_googlesuggest = 0
enable_guicolors = 1
enable_javacomplete2_py = 0
enable_key_frequency = 0
enable_language_specific_leader = 1
enable_neocomplcache = 0
enable_os_fileformat_icon = 0
enable_powerline_fonts = 1
enable_projects_cache = 1
enable_statusline_bfpath = 0
enable_statusline_mode = 0
enable_statusline_tag = 1
enable_tabline_filetype_icon = 1
enable_tabline_ft_icon = 0
enable_vimfiler_welcome = 0
enable_ycm = 0
error_symbol = '✖'
escape_key_binding = 'jk'
expand_tab = 1
file_searching_tools = []
filemanager = 'nerdtree'
filetree_direction = 'right'
filetype_icons = {}
force_global_config = 0
gitcommit_issue_icon = ''
gitcommit_pr_icon = ''
github_username = ''
guifont = ''
hiddenfileinfo = 1
home_files_number = 6
hosts_url = ''
info_symbol = 'ⓘ'
keep_server_alive = 1
language = ''
leader_guide_default_group_name = ''
leader_guide_flatten = 1
leader_guide_hspace = 5
leader_guide_max_size = 0
leader_guide_position = 'botright'
leader_guide_run_map_on_popup = 1
leader_guide_sort_horizontal = 0
leader_guide_submode_mappings = {'<C-C>': 'win_close'}
leader_guide_vertical = 0
lint_engine = 'neomake'
lint_on_save = 1
lint_on_the_fly = 0
max_column = 120
plugin_bundle_dir = '/home/ac/.cache/vimfiles/'
plugin_manager = 'dein'
plugin_manager_processes = 16
plugin_name = 'vim-dockerfile'
project_auto_root = 0
project_non_root = ''
project_rooter_outermost = 1
project_rooter_patterns = ['.git/', '_darcs/', '.hg/', '.bzr/', '.svn/', '.SpaceVim.d/']
projects_cache_num = 20
realtime_leader_guide = 1
relativenumber = 1
search_tools = ['rg', 'ag', 'pt', 'ack', 'grep', 'findstr', 'git']
sidebar_direction = ''
sidebar_width = 30
smartcloseignoreft = ['tagbar', 'vimfiler', 'defx', 'NvimTree', 'SpaceVimRunner', 'SpaceVimREPL', 'SpaceVimQuickFix', 'HelpDescribe', 'VebuggerSh
ell', 'VebuggerTerminal', 'SpaceVimTabsManager']
smartcloseignorewin = ['__Tagbar__', 'vimfiler:default']
snippet_engine = 'neosnippet'
src_root = 'E:\sources\'
statusline_iseparator = 'arrow'
statusline_left = ['winnr', 'filename', 'major mode', 'search count', 'syntax checking', 'minor mode lighters']
statusline_right = ['fileformat', 'cursorpos', 'percentage']
statusline_separator = 'arrow'
statusline_unicode = 1
terminal_cursor_shape = 2
todo_labels = ['fixme', 'question', 'todo', 'idea']
todo_prefix = '@'
update_retry_cnt = 3
version = '2.1.0-dev'
vim_help_language = 'en'
vimcompatible = 0
warning_symbol = '⚠'
wildignore = '*/tmp/*,*.so,*.swp,*.zip,*.class,tags,*.jpg,*.ttf,*.TTF,*.png,*/target/*,.git,.svn,.hg,.DS_Store,*.svg'
windisk_encoding = 'cp936'
windows_index_type = 3
windows_leader = 's'
windows_smartclose = 'q'
wrap_line = 0
### SpaceVim layers :
### SpaceVim Health checking :
SpaceVim clipboard support check report:
Checking +clipboard:
Failed : to support +clipboard, you need recompile your vim with +clipboard support.
SpaceVim environment check report:
Current progpath: vi(/usr/bin/vim.nox)
version: 900
OS: linux
[shell, shellcmdflag, shellslash]: ['/bin/zsh', '-c', 0]
SpaceVim lua support check report:
Checking +lua:
SpaceVim python support check report:
Checking +python3:
Checking +python:
Failed : to support +python, Please install vim-gtk, or build from sources.
Checking SpaceVim layer health:
- `autocomplete`:ok
- `checkers`:ok
- `format`:ok
- `edit`:ok
- `ui`:ok
- `core`:ok
- `core#banner`:ok
- `core#statusline`:ok
- `core#tabline`:ok
- `shell`:ok
- `fzf`:ok
- `colorscheme`:ok
- `gtags`:ok
- `lang#sh`:ok
- `lang#extra`:ok
- `lang#html`:ok
- `lang#ruby`:ok
- `lang#python`:ok
- `git`:ok
- `lang#dockerfile`:ok
- `lepture/vim-jinja`: can not find function: SpaceVim#layers#lepture/vim-jinja#health()
### SpaceVim runtime log :
[ SpaceVim ] : logger file does not exists, only log for current process will be shown!
[ SpaceVim ] [09:29:05] [ 0.000] [ Info ] Loading SpaceVim from: /home/ac/.SpaceVim/
[ SpaceVim ] [09:29:05] [ 0.034] [ Error ] Can not set language to en_US.utf8
[ SpaceVim ] [09:29:05] [ 0.034] [ Info ] Startup with argv: ['vi', '']
[ SpaceVim ] [09:29:05] [ 0.051] [ Info ] start loading global config >>>
[ SpaceVim ] [09:29:05] [ 0.051] [ Info ] global_dir is: /home/ac/.SpaceVim.d/
[ SpaceVim ] [09:29:05] [ 0.051] [ Info ] find global config: /home/ac/.SpaceVim.d/init.toml
[ SpaceVim ] [09:29:05] [ 0.052] [ Info ] start to apply config [glob]
[ SpaceVim ] [09:29:05] [ 0.060] [ Info ] start loading local config >>>
[ SpaceVim ] [09:29:05] [ 0.060] [ Info ] Could not find project local config
[ SpaceVim ] [09:29:05] [ 0.150] [ Info ] the func has been added to mode:syntax-checking
[ SpaceVim ] [09:29:05] [ 0.231] [ Info ] the func has been added to mode:spell-checking
[ SpaceVim ] [09:29:05] [ 0.231] [ Info ] the func has been added to mode:paste-mode
[ rooter ] [09:29:05] [ 0.323] [ Info ] Load projects cache from: /home/ac/.cache/SpaceVim/projects.json
[ SpaceVim ] [09:29:05] [ 0.470] [ Info ] finished loading SpaceVim!
[ SpaceVim ] [09:29:06] [ 0.915] [ Info ] run root changed callback on VimEnter!
[ rooter ] [09:31:01] [ 116.437] [ Info ] Start to find root for: /home/ac/projects/flask/
[ ctags ] [09:31:01] [ 116.442] [ Info ] start to check ctags version
[ ctags ] [09:31:01] [ 116.508] [ Info ] ctags version checking done:
[ ctags ] [09:31:01] [ 116.508] [ Info ] ctags bin:ctags
[ ctags ] [09:31:01] [ 116.508] [ Info ] update ctags database for /home/ac/projects/flask
[ ctags ] [09:31:01] [ 116.516] [ Info ] ctags database updated successfully
[ rooter ] [09:31:13] [ 127.687] [ Info ] Start to find root for: /home/ac/projects/flask/
[ ctags ] [09:31:13] [ 127.693] [ Info ] update ctags database for /home/ac/projects/flask
[ ctags ] [09:31:13] [ 127.709] [ Info ] ctags database updated successfully
[ rooter ] [09:31:19] [ 134.530] [ Info ] Start to find root for: /home/ac/projects/flask/
[ ctags ] [09:31:20] [ 134.538] [ Info ] update ctags database for /home/ac/projects/flask
[ ctags ] [09:31:20] [ 134.564] [ Info ] ctags database updated successfully
[ todo ] [09:31:23] [ 137.951] [ Info ] cmd: ['grep', '-inHr', '-e', '@fixme\b\|@question\b\|@todo\b\|@idea\b', '.']
[ todo ] [09:31:23] [ 137.952] [ Info ] labels_partten: \v\@fixme>\|\@question>\|\@todo>\|\@idea>
[ todo ] [09:31:23] [ 137.953] [ Info ] jobid: 1
[ todo ] [09:31:23] [ 137.960] [ Info ] stdout: ./spdebuginfo.txt:5: #@todo this is a test
[ todo ] [09:31:23] [ 137.960] [ Info ] stdout: ./spdebuginfo.txt:6: # @todo this is a test
[ todo ] [09:31:23] [ 137.961] [ Info ] stdout: ./spdebuginfo.txt:7: #@todo|this is a test
[ todo ] [09:31:23] [ 137.961] [ Info ] stdout: ./ #@todo this is a test
[ todo ] [09:31:23] [ 137.961] [ Info ] stdout: ./ # @todo this is a test
[ todo ] [09:31:23] [ 137.962] [ Info ] stdout: ./ #@todo|this is a test
[ todo ] [09:31:23] [ 137.962] [ Info ] todomanager exit: 0
[ todo ] [09:31:50] [ 165.162] [ Info ] cmd: ['grep', '-inHr', '-e', '@fixme\b\|@question\b\|@todo\b\|@idea\b', '.']
[ todo ] [09:31:50] [ 165.162] [ Info ] labels_partten: \v\@fixme>\|\@question>\|\@todo>\|\@idea>
[ ctags ] [09:31:20] [ 134.538] [ Info ] update ctags database for /home/ac/projects/flask
[ ctags ] [09:31:20] [ 134.564] [ Info ] ctags database updated successfully
[ todo ] [09:31:23] [ 137.951] [ Info ] cmd: ['grep', '-inHr', '-e', '@fixme\b\|@question\b\|@todo\b\|@idea\b', '.']
[ todo ] [09:31:23] [ 137.952] [ Info ] labels_partten: \v\@fixme>\|\@question>\|\@todo>\|\@idea>
[ todo ] [09:31:23] [ 137.953] [ Info ] jobid: 1
[ todo ] [09:31:23] [ 137.960] [ Info ] stdout: ./spdebuginfo.txt:5: #@todo this is a test
[ todo ] [09:31:23] [ 137.960] [ Info ] stdout: ./spdebuginfo.txt:6: # @todo this is a test
[ todo ] [09:31:23] [ 137.961] [ Info ] stdout: ./spdebuginfo.txt:7: #@todo|this is a test
[ todo ] [09:31:23] [ 137.961] [ Info ] stdout: ./ #@todo this is a test
[ todo ] [09:31:23] [ 137.961] [ Info ] stdout: ./ # @todo this is a test
[ todo ] [09:31:23] [ 137.962] [ Info ] stdout: ./ #@todo|this is a test
[ todo ] [09:31:23] [ 137.962] [ Info ] todomanager exit: 0
[ todo ] [09:31:50] [ 165.162] [ Info ] cmd: ['grep', '-inHr', '-e', '@fixme\b\|@question\b\|@todo\b\|@idea\b', '.']
[ todo ] [09:31:50] [ 165.162] [ Info ] labels_partten: \v\@fixme>\|\@question>\|\@todo>\|\@idea>
[ todo ] [09:31:50] [ 165.164] [ Info ] jobid: 2
[ todo ] [09:31:50] [ 165.169] [ Info ] stdout: ./ #@todo this is a test
[ todo ] [09:31:50] [ 165.169] [ Info ] stdout: ./ # @todo this is a test
[ todo ] [09:31:50] [ 165.169] [ Info ] stdout: ./ #@todo|this is a test
[ todo ] [09:31:50] [ 165.169] [ Info ] todomanager exit: 0
[ SpaceVim ] [09:31:59] [ 174.157] [ Info ] the func has been added to mode:syntax-checking
[ SpaceVim ] [09:31:59] [ 174.183] [ Info ] the func has been added to mode:spell-checking
[ SpaceVim ] [09:31:59] [ 174.184] [ Info ] the func has been added to mode:paste-mode
[ todo ] [09:32:45] [ 219.936] [ Info ] cmd: ['grep', '-inHr', '-e', '@fixme\b\|@question\b\|@todo\b\|@idea\b', '.']
[ todo ] [09:32:45] [ 219.936] [ Info ] labels_partten: \v\@fixme>\|\@question>\|\@todo>\|\@idea>
[ todo ] [09:32:45] [ 219.938] [ Info ] jobid: 3
[ todo ] [09:32:45] [ 219.943] [ Info ] stdout: ./ #@todo this is a test
[ todo ] [09:32:45] [ 219.943] [ Info ] stdout: ./ # @todo this is a test
[ todo ] [09:32:45] [ 219.944] [ Info ] stdout: ./ #@todo|this is a test
[ todo ] [09:32:45] [ 219.944] [ Info ] todomanager exit: 0
[ SpaceVim ] [09:32:49] [ 224.204] [ Info ] the func has been added to mode:syntax-checking
[ SpaceVim ] [09:32:49] [ 224.231] [ Info ] the func has been added to mode:spell-checking
[ SpaceVim ] [09:32:49] [ 224.232] [ Info ] the func has been added to mode:paste-mode
It seems a bug of todo manager when using grep
, maybe you need to install rg.
Expected behavior, english is required
As I read in the documentation Todo manager I can write tags in my code for list task pending or questions or fixme procedures managed by todo manager.
The reproduce ways from Vim starting (Required!)
The simple below code fails in todo manager according to documentation and only shows
and an unique word.Output of the
If you have any screenshots for this issue, please upload here. BTW you can use for recording video in terminal.