SpaceVim / org-mode

org-mode for spacevim
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Development announce #1

Closed wsdjeg closed 4 years ago

wsdjeg commented 7 years ago

Hi users:

I will create new plugin for org file. this plugin will be wroten in pure vim script with python dependency removed. and It will base on SpaceVim public API.

I will use the async vim func in neovim and the nvim_* func, this plugin will also support vim8, but you will get better experience in neovim.

I will release first alpha version of org-mode in Nov.

I will alse read the code of some existing plugin:

zhujinxuan commented 7 years ago

Thanks a lot. I will join after the first dev/alpha version~

wsdjeg commented 4 years ago

@zhujinxuan thanks, the discussion is moved to