Spacechild1 / vstplugin

VST plugin support for Pd and SuperCollider (mirror of If possible, use the issue tracker at
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Reason Rack Plugin not receive midi incoming (pd) #13

Closed DSBhproject closed 7 months ago

DSBhproject commented 1 year ago

Hi, congratulation for [vstplugin~] which is pretty useful. I've notice that after update from 0.3... reason rack plugin vst3 doesn't work, with older version it worked nice and I've only noticed in this plugin. Audio pass through and even param_set works but midi_note and midi_noteoff doesn't work anymore. I'm sure this is not a reason issue since I don't update it so this should be related with certain changes on external. Btw I'm on pd 0.52. Thanks

Spacechild1 commented 1 year ago

Hi, that's really strange. People (including me) use all sorts of VST instruments with MIDI messages and there has never been a problem with note-on and note-off messages. Unfortunately, there is no demo version for Reason Rack plugin, so I am not sure how to proceed...

Just to be clear: you're saying that it still works on 0.3, but fails on newer versions? Please find out which version is the first one that breaks.

BTW, what's your OS?

DSBhproject commented 1 year ago

Ok I'll try to find the first version where it doesn't work. I'm on win 10. Well reason rack plugin come with reason daw, not separately, so maybe it comes with the ful DAW demo.

DSBhproject commented 1 year ago

sorry but I don't get install previous versions, I've downloaded it but it seems like it needs a different method to install it to when download from deken but if you tell me how I'll find which version is

Spacechild1 commented 1 year ago

You can find all versions on Deken. However, Deken hides old versions by default. You have to untick "Only show the newest version" in the Deken settings:


DSBhproject commented 1 year ago

I already have checked it out, v0.5.0 works, v0.5.1 doesn't work anymore

Spacechild1 commented 1 year ago

Thanks! That's strange. I compared v0.5 and v0.5.1 and there are no changes in the MIDI handling code...

Can you also try the latest development version?

Make sure that in the Pd console it says "vstplugin~ 0.6-pre1".

Also, can you share a minimal test patch that triggers the problem?

DSBhproject commented 1 year ago

-Also, can you share a minimal test patch that triggers the problem? It'd need to have reason rack plugin. Anyways it works now on v0.6-pre1 : )

Spacechild1 commented 1 year ago

Anyways it works now on v0.6-pre1 : )

Wow, that's great news :-) I will keep this issue open until the 0.6 release. Thanks for reporting!