SpacedOutChicken / Deciv-2

Rebuild civilization after the end of the world. A fork of classic DeCiv Redux. Uses FantasyHex tiles and units.
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Brainstorming big ideas #2

Open SpacedOutChicken opened 1 month ago

SpacedOutChicken commented 1 month ago

Starting Deciv 2 as its own fork gives us the opportunity to make big changes in order to fix longstanding flaws or shortcomings. I'm starting this thread to open the floor for these kinds of suggestions. I'll start with one of my own, having to do with money.

Having water as currency makes sense in the early game, when water is scarce. It makes less sense as the game progresses. An actual economy would find new ways of backing their money as they got better at sourcing fresh water. Unciv has a few tricks that we could use to reflect this change. Buildings and tile improvements can become obsolete as the player discovers new technologies. Starting in the early game would allow you to use these water-based money boosters, but you'd have to use different tools later. Currency could change to using precious metals, and then advance to using cryptocurrency as electronics advance. How does this sound?

MutedREM commented 1 month ago

At the risk of getting out of my lane and giving a ranting bad take, I wanted to put my long winded opinion here. Apologies in advance.

A particular issue in my mind is flavor/ideological compatibility. Water being something everyone uses is pertinent: it's a universal need, and as such is pretty easy to justify everyone using equally, at least in the early game like you pointed out. But the political diversity of Deciv's roster makes generalized social resources (In this case, value-backed currency) difficult to standardize across each group.

For example, why would the Anarchistic/Communal Children of Rust use Crypto? The Crimson Legion might be opposed to it too, depending on how backward thinking they are towards technology you consider them. Hexlock, meanwhile, has a different reason for avoiding it, namely to avoid diverting power that'd be better used for processing.

This is just one example, but I hope it helps justify the idea that the currencies used should be more material than social (Or in cryptocurrency's case, a step removed from material). In regards to the latter, I just don't believe there is a suitable one-size-fits-all option.

I agree that precious metals idea is certainly worth considering, as long as it retains another in-game use for the player. Also maybe have it tie into scavenging, like taking the metal components from electronics, scrap metal, artifacts, etc. (Embrace harvesting catalytic converters.)

Power also looks like a suitable mid-late game currency, giving it a more wide-spread application than it currently has as a strategic resource. It could also better justify cryptocurrency, by basing it entirely as a 'Power Standard' currency.

Ultimately, I think the economy should be a balance of opportunity, where each monetary use of a resource must be considered against a material secondary use (Such as using water to purchase and maintain personnel units, and hydrating your population. This, I think, shouldn't be obsoleted in entirety).

SeventhM commented 1 month ago

Regarding the currency, I kinda have a bit of a hot take here (is it a hot take? Idk):

I don't think water makes sense as a currency early game either. The amount of water available at any given time would necessarily be too malleable to be a sustainable currency with a consistent value, it's too easy to argue "I'll just burn the cash by drinking/boiling", there's questions regarding if other water sources truly is that unsalvageable (which is already acknowledged by the concerns especially the further through the tech tree you get)... It's just a mess of an attempted currency that comes from trying to hard to copy a different game's lore despite it also having glaring flaws

I think best case scenario, if there was a specific thing to replace gold, it'll have to be something a bit easier to count that won't be consumed nearly as quickly. And it can't be crypto because crypto has its own problems in terms of being a primary currency

Regarding the issue as a whole, it might be helpful to get a list of topic worth looking further into. Imo, a starting list to consider would be

SpacedOutChicken commented 1 month ago

First off, thanks for the feedback! Reading through this has given me some interesting ideas about how to implement water scarcity, but some of the changes are so big that I can't justify implementing them in Deciv 2, unless literally everyone was in favor. I might make yet another fork of Deciv to put some of these ideas into practice...

Big ideas aside, I think I'll avoid changing Deciv 2's currency for now because I don't yet have answers to the questions brought up here. Making changes without clear direction is dangerous.

To address the concern about the gold to science slider: let me first admit that I added that feature to the mod mostly because I could. It was an interesting feature that I saw in the list of uniques, so I used it. Should I remove it? If it's not a good addition to the game, I can take it out easily without breaking anything.

MutedREM commented 1 month ago

To add to the list of topics to consider:

(In regards to the water slider, I'll attest that, as a non-meta/casual player, I don't use it often. It seems like a tool more suited to more experienced and/or minmaxing players. More people needed for consensus on that, I think.)

the-s-is-silent commented 1 month ago

My comments on the gold to science slider (warning, may be viewed as a ranting bad take):

My solution, at risk of making this fork of DeCiv start to take too much after the rebalance mods, would be to remove the slider and reduce tech costs to where they would/should be without its presence (about 1/3 reduction across the board). Also, address the poor choice of where the Science buildings + associated techs are located in the tech tree and nerf some of those buildings. Alas, I fear that if this is put up as a poll like with the issue of Power, the majority will actually vote to keep the slider.

SeventhM commented 1 month ago

To address the concern about the gold to science slider

My viewpoint on the slider is fairly clear cut: it's kinda a cancer on the rest of the balance. Either it needs to explicitly be balanced around or it should go

At the cost of seeing as though I'm bragging, my rebalance got rid of the slider and could literally go back down to a normal Civ 5 tech cost, and everything plays out much cleaner than with the slider, even despite the major differences on how tiles are balanced