SpacehuhnTech / esp8266_deauther

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[ANSWERED/FIXED] esp8266 serial monitor after flashing #1650

Open testsesdfs opened 1 year ago

testsesdfs commented 1 year ago

After flashing the esp8266 with deauther this led on the board blinks and this spams on serial monitor. Why?

load 0x4010f000, len 3584, room 16 
tail 0
chksum 0xb0
csum 0xb0

Mounting SPIFFS...OK
Loading settings...OK
Device names loaded from /names.json
SSIDs loaded from /ssids.json
Scan results saved in /scan.json
Serial interface enabled
Started AP

[WiFi] Path: '/web', Mode: 'AP', SSID: 'pwned', password: 'deauther', channel: '1', hidden: false, captive-portal: false


Im using this board: noweIMG_20230523_095848

Serial monitor logs:

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testsesdfs commented 1 year ago

Okay I fixed it.

KEKKO96 commented 10 months ago
