SpacehuhnTech / esp8266_deauther

Affordable WiFi hacking platform for testing and learning
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Unable to find pwned network #858

Closed rogaha closed 6 years ago

rogaha commented 6 years ago

I'm using Arduino IDE to flash the 2.0.5 version of the esp8266_deauther project. Everything looks normal, however, I'm not able to see the pwned when I scan the wifi available.

Arduino board: Wireless CH340 NodeMcu V3 Lua ESP8266 WIFI

$ -p /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART flash_id
Detecting chip type... ESP8266
Chip is ESP8266EX
Features: WiFi
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
Manufacturer: 68
Device: 4016
Detected flash size: 4MB
Hard resetting via RTS pin...
[======== SYSTEM INFO ========]
RAM usage: 56496 bytes used [69%], 25424 bytes free [31%], 81920 bytes in total

Current WiFi channel: 1
AP MAC address: 80:90:7e:59:63:42
Station MAC address: 00:f1:77:46:a5:c6
SPIFFS: 2761 bytes used [0%], 2946489 bytes free [99%], 2949250 bytes in total
        block size 8192 bytes, page size 256 bytes
  /names.json 2 bytes
  /ssids.json 27 bytes
  /autostart.txt 0 bytes
  /settings.json 514 bytes
  /scan.json 24 bytes
[WiFi] Path: '/web', Mode: 'AP', SSID: 'pwned', password: 'deauther', channel: '1', hidden: false, captive-portal: true
rogaha commented 6 years ago
screenshot of arduino 5-12-18 4-00-40 am
tobozo commented 6 years ago

Very strange, although the param is hidden: false your ESP behaves as if it was hidden:true.

How many ESP have you flashed with the deauther? Does a WiFi scan from another device corroborate this?

As I see you posted a pic of the Arduino IDE, can you eventually try to checkout the latest version of the code from the repo, compile it && upload?

@spacehuhn has recently commited some changes that may indirectly impact this situation.

rogaha commented 6 years ago

How many ESP have you flashed with the deauther?

@tobozo this is the first one.

Does a WiFi scan from another device corroborate this?

Yes, I've tried from my phone and laptop.

I also tried using another approach, it didn't work either:

$ -p /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART write_flash -fm qio 0x0000 ~/Downloads/ESP8266_Deauther_v2.0.5_4MB.bin                                v2.3.1
Detecting chip type... ESP8266
Chip is ESP8266EX
Features: WiFi
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
Configuring flash size...
Auto-detected Flash size: 4MB
Flash params set to 0x004f
Compressed 687232 bytes to 467849...
Wrote 687232 bytes (467849 compressed) at 0x00000000 in 41.4 seconds (effective 133.0 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.

Hard resetting via RTS pin...
rogaha commented 6 years ago

Ok, I'm trying with master now.

rogaha commented 6 years ago

@tobozo I'm experiencing the same problem with master.

rogaha commented 6 years ago

is this unexpected?

# scan
Stopped scan
Scan results saved in /scan.json
Removed all APs
Cleared station list
Starting scan for access points (Wi-Fi networks)...
[===== Access Points =====]
AP list is empty :(
Stopped scan
Scan results saved in /scan.json
Stopped scan
Scan results saved in /scan.json
Removed all APs
Cleared station list
Starting scan for access points (Wi-Fi networks)...
[===== Access Points =====]
AP list is empty :(
Stopped scan
Scan results saved in /scan.json
Stopped scan
Scan results saved in /scan.json
Removed all APs
Cleared station list
Starting scan for access points (Wi-Fi networks)...
[===== Access Points =====]
AP list is empty :(
Stopped scan
Scan results saved in /scan.json
Stopped scan
Scan results saved in /scan.json
Removed all APs
Cleared station list
Starting scan for access points (Wi-Fi networks)...
[===== Access Points =====]
AP list is empty :(
Stopped scan
Scan results saved in /scan.json
Stopped scan
Scan results saved in /scan.json
Removed all APs
Cleared station list
Starting scan for access points (Wi-Fi networks)...
# stop
Stopped scan
Scan results saved in /scan.json
tobozo commented 6 years ago

Maybe run the Reset Sketch once, sometimes it fixes broken credentials from previous installations.

tobozo commented 6 years ago

835 hints at version 1.5 working fine when 2.x doesn't

rogaha commented 6 years ago

I tried the Reset Sketch approaches, but they didn't work either. Would be possible that the wifi chip is somehow broken?

rogaha commented 6 years ago

still not working... :/

SSID: pwned
SSID length: 5
SSID hidden: 0
password: deauther
password length: 8
channel: 1
Scan hidden APs: 1
deauth reson: 1
attack timeout: 300
attack packet rate: 10
client scan time: 15
attack SSID encrypted: 0
use built-in LED: 1
channel hopping: 0
multiple APs: 0
multiple Attacks: 0
mac change interval: 4
1s beacon interval: 0
LED Pin: 2
nameList cleared

Starting WiFi AP:
SSID     : 'pwned'
Password : 'deauther'

 generating MACs...done

tobozo commented 6 years ago

First startup is very slow (formatting SPIFFS, copying webfiles), your test cycle should always be:

1) flash and run the Reset_Sketch 2) flash the sketch you're currently testing 3) open the serial console and wait 1mn

rogaha commented 6 years ago

Ok, so I came to the conclusion that the hardware is defective. I've tried this simple example:

 *  Simple HTTP get webclient test

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>

const char* ssid     = "XXXX";
const char* password = "XXXX";

const char* host = "";

void setup() {

  // We start by connecting to a WiFi network

  Serial.print("Connecting to ");

  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);

  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {

  Serial.println("WiFi connected");  
  Serial.println("IP address: ");
  Serial.print("Netmask: ");
  Serial.print("Gateway: ");

int value = 0;

void loop() {

  Serial.print("connecting to ");

  // Use WiFiClient class to create TCP connections
  WiFiClient client;
  const int httpPort = 80;
  if (!client.connect(host, httpPort)) {
    Serial.println("connection failed");

  // We now create a URI for the request
  String url = "/testwifi/index.html";
  Serial.print("Requesting URL: ");

  // This will send the request to the server
  client.print(String("GET ") + url + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" +
               "Host: " + host + "\r\n" + 
               "Connection: close\r\n\r\n");

  // Read all the lines of the reply from server and print them to Serial
    String line = client.readStringUntil('\r');

  Serial.println("closing connection");

and i didn't work. I'm seeing this log:

Connecting to RGH-Guest
tobozo commented 6 years ago

Maybe the two antennas are too close to each other and you get interferences? A faulty unit is also a possibility.

MrAppAndCrap commented 6 years ago

Hi Rogaha,

Have you tried using a new Micro USB cable connected to a wall socket? Sometimes the device isn't able to draw enough power with certain cables. I know it sounds a little obvious, but I had the same issue with the SSD not showing, until I got an up to date Micro USB cable and charger. Once that was done it showed up after a minuet or two.

If that doesn't work, try re-flashing the firmware .bin files via usb.

rogaha commented 6 years ago

I've changed the channel and flashed using the mini USB and it's still not working.

rogaha commented 6 years ago
Mounting SPIFFS...OK
Switched to Channel 3
Settings loaded from /settings.json
Settings saved in /settings.json
Device names loaded from /names.json
SSIDs loaded from /ssids.json
Scan results saved in /scan.json
Serial interface enabled
Started AP
[WiFi] Path: '/web', Mode: 'AP', SSID: 'pwned', password: 'deauther', channel: '3', hidden: false, captive-portal: true
Executing /autostart.txt
Done executing script
rogaha commented 6 years ago

quick question: not being able to find any networks when I execute scan from the Serial interface indicates that the wifi chip is not working correctly?

is the output below indicating that the wifi chip is properly powered ?

[======== SYSTEM INFO ========]
RAM usage: 56496 bytes used [69%], 25424 bytes free [31%], 81920 bytes in total

Current WiFi channel: 3
AP MAC address: 00:01:00:00:f0:32
Station MAC address: fc:7c:d9:b3:d8:3a
SPIFFS: 2761 bytes used [0%], 2946489 bytes free [99%], 2949250 bytes in total
        block size 8192 bytes, page size 256 bytes
  /names.json 2 bytes
  /ssids.json 27 bytes
  /autostart.txt 0 bytes
  /settings.json 514 bytes
  /scan.json 24 bytes
[WiFi] Path: '/web', Mode: 'AP', SSID: 'pwned', password: 'deauther', channel: '3', hidden: false, captive-portal: true
rogaha commented 6 years ago
[===== Access Points =====]
AP list is empty :(
Stopped scan
Scan results saved in /scan.json
Stopped scan
Scan results saved in /scan.json
Removed all APs
Cleared station list
Starting scan for access points (Wi-Fi networks)...
# stop
Stopped scan
Scan results saved in /scan.json
mgx0 commented 6 years ago

Hi, same here. pwned AP is not showing up and scan does not show anything. Looks like wifi is turned off, but it should be on I assume

# sysinfo
[======== SYSTEM INFO ========]
RAM usage: 60840 bytes used [75%], 21080 bytes free [25%], 81920 bytes in total

Current WiFi channel: 1
AP MAC address: de:4f:22:1c:0a:a4
Station MAC address: b8:2c:ff:3f:68:2c
SPIFFS: 2761 bytes used [1%], 230920 bytes free [98%], 233681 bytes in total
        block size 4096 bytes, page size 256 bytes
  /names.json 2 bytes
  /ssids.json 27 bytes
  /autostart.txt 0 bytes
  /settings.json 513 bytes
  /scan.json 24 bytes
[WiFi] Path: '/web', Mode: 'AP', SSID: 'pwned', password: 'deauther', channel: '1', hidden: false, captive-portal: true
Stopped scan
Scan results saved in /scan.json
Removed all APs
Cleared station list
Starting scan for access points (Wi-Fi networks)...
[===== Access Points =====]
AP list is empty :(
Stopped scan
Scan results saved in /scan.json

tested on multiple boards. the 1.6 version works witout a problem

tobozo commented 6 years ago

@rogaha @mgx0 would you mind posting a pic of your NodeMCU and eventually a link to the product page?

This seems to be a recurring issue, can you check all those posts to see if there's a situation you haven't tested yet?

mgx0 commented 6 years ago

yeah will do after I get home. I'll update this post

it's : this board

reset sketch was uploaded few times, then the latest version was uploaded. Cannot see pwned AP, nor it displays any APs in scan results

do you need something more specific?

rogaha commented 6 years ago

My problem seems to be related to the wifi chip not being able to power properly. It's interesting that there are no errors on the software layer, the wifi just doesn't work. I tried a simple example, just to connect to my local wifi and it doesn't work either. My board is this one:

rogaha commented 6 years ago

the board is being powered via a USB wall adapter and it's consuming 3.2v & 65mA.

mgx0 commented 6 years ago


the board is this one: img_5034

I'm pretty sure I've tried everything mentioned in all threads, nothing worked

Lumiahna commented 6 years ago

Hello, unfortunately, it seems you got a fake board. image

Please read this page to get the list of supported device:

tobozo commented 6 years ago

Although this WeM's brand has made bad quality copies of Dstike's ESP+OLED+Buttons builds, the dev kit linked by @mgx0 isn't a copy of any deauther product.

Moreover, owning a bad NodeMCU copycat doesn't imply that all versions of the esp8266_deauther won't work on it, and will never justify any proselitism or antagonism for a particular seller.

The esp8266_deauther 1.6 still has very good support for those low quality boards, and provide a low quality deauthing along with a low quality web ui :-)

rogaha commented 6 years ago

Just a quick update, I've bought another identical board and it's working like a charm. I've installed latest code from master (2.0.5) and everything worked as expected.

@tobozo @spacehuhn congratulations on the work done here! It's incredible how vulnerable we are using these mostly common wifi & bluetooth standards. Keep up the great work and thanks for all your support.

bottom line: BUY another board if you experience the same issues as me, don't waste your time trying to turn on the wifi, since I didn't get any errors I assume that somehow I would need to provide more current to the to the wifi chip. I've noticed a delta of 20mA between the working and not working boards.

spacehuhn commented 6 years ago

Nice to see this issue resolved! I would still like to know what causes this issue but I guess we'll never know for sure.

punkplayer1 commented 1 year ago

Had same issue with no original wemos

But fixed it with v2 instead of v3

Set Sketch + Wifi settings

Now works fine :) thanks